21 results found

Research Kevin Van Sundert | Kevin Van Sundert | University of Antwerp

Kevin Van Sundert postdoc researcher FWO Research Kevin Van Sundert Research team Biobased sustainability engineering (SUSTAIN) Expertise My research domain concerns interactions between land ecosystems and climate change, in both directions (through for example impacts on CO2-exchange). Focus is sp…


Research Wouter Hendrycks | Wouter Hendrycks | University of Antwerp

Wouter Hendrycks predoc researcher FWO Research Wouter Hendrycks Research team Evolutionary ecology group (EVECO) The role of microbial symbionts in host plant use and spectrum in oligophagous cucurbit feeding fruit flies (Tephritidae). 01/11/2020 - 31/10/2024 Abstract Herbivorous insects are among …


Biogeochemical cycles | Plants and Ecosystems | University of Antwerp

Plants and Ecosystems search menu search content Biogeochemical cycles Ecosystem carbon and nitrogen cycling, modelling, laboratory experiments Plants are the engine pumping carbon into and water out of ecosystems. At ecosystem scale, photosynthesis is mainly climate-controlled. The biomass producti…


Research Sara Vicca | Sara Vicca | University of Antwerp

Sara Vicca associate professor Research Sara Vicca Research team Biobased sustainability engineering (SUSTAIN) Expertise My research focuses on how different environmental factors influence carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and how changes in these ecosystems feed back to the climate system. …


Research Thierry Backeljau | Thierry Backeljau | University of Antwerp

Thierry Backeljau professor Research Thierry Backeljau Research team Evolutionary ecology group (EVECO) Expertise My research focusses on taxonomy, phylogeny and population genetics of animals, and in particular of molluscs. Yet, other taxa, such as flatworms (Platyhelminthes), ring worms (Annelida)…


Research Matteo Campioli | Matteo Campioli | University of Antwerp

Matteo Campioli associate research professor Research Matteo Campioli Research team Plant and Ecosystems (PLECO) - Ecology in a time of change Expertise My research aims to understand how terrestrial ecosystems function, especially to improve the ecosystem models used to simulate climate change. My …


Projects | SUSTAIN | Biobased Sustainability Engineering | University of Antwerp

SUSTAIN | Biobased Sustainability Engineering search menu search content Projects Planned, ongoing and finished projects Ongoing projects Purple phototrophic bacteria in extreme halophilic condition for pigment production. 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2027 Abstract The Purplex project is a pioneering research…


Research Ivan Janssens | Ivan Janssens | University of Antwerp

Ivan Janssens Research Ivan Janssens Research team Plant and Ecosystems (PLECO) - Ecology in a time of change Expertise - Greenhouse gas balance of ecosystems and continents. - Forest ecosystem productivity. - Carbon cycling through soil, ecosystem, region, continent, globe. - Effects of global chan…


Research Projects | Plants and Ecosystems | University of Antwerp

Plants and Ecosystems search menu search content Research Projects Ongoing projects The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural grasslands exposed to increasingly persistent weather patterns (AMFAGPW). 01/02/2025 - 31/01/2027 Abstract Amplified arctic warming lessens the temperature dif…


Research Ivan Nijs | Ivan Nijs | University of Antwerp

Ivan Nijs full professor Research Ivan Nijs Research team Plant and Ecosystems (PLECO) - Ecology in a time of change Expertise Impact of climate change on plants and ecosystems, in particular the influence of climate extremes such as drought and heat. Role of biodiversity in ecosystems. Biological i…


Research Stijn Temmerman | Stijn Temmerman | University of Antwerp

Stijn Temmerman professor Research Stijn Temmerman Research team Ecosphere Expertise Hydrodynamics, sediment transport and morphodynamics in estuaries and rivers: field measurements, GIS and remote sensing, numerical modelling Coastal climate adaptation and mitigation services of newly created marsh…


Research Erik Verbruggen | Erik Verbruggen | University of Antwerp

Erik Verbruggen associate research professor Research Erik Verbruggen Research team Plant and Ecosystems (PLECO) - Ecology in a time of change Expertise Microbial ecology of plants and soils The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural grasslands exposed to increasingly persistent weathe…


Research Jonas Schoelynck | Jonas Schoelynck | University of Antwerp

Jonas Schoelynck TT. asst. research professor Research Jonas Schoelynck Research team Ecosphere Expertise In my research I focus on the BIO in biogeochemistry. This means that I study the interaction of plants and animals with their environment, and in particular chemical and geomorphological proces…


Research Projects | Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | University of Antwerp

Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology search menu search content Research Projects Ongoing projects The vaginal microbiome of Cameroonian women: integration of citizen science with microbiota research and analysis of the benefits of vaginal lactobacilli. 01/09/2024 - 28/02/2025 Abstra…


Research Erik Matthysen | Erik Matthysen | University of Antwerp

Erik Matthysen full professor Research Erik Matthysen Research team Evolutionary ecology group (EVECO) Expertise - Evaluation of landscape connectivity. - Population viability analysisand genetic analysis of (natural) populations. Individual variation in phenotypic plasticy in relation to intrinsic …


Research Els Prinsen | Els Prinsen | University of Antwerp

Els Prinsen professor Research Els Prinsen Research team Integrated Molecular Plant Physiology Research (IMPRES) Expertise My expertise on targeted metabolomics lays in the development of physicochemical analytical techniques, e.g. UPLC-MS/MS for the identification and quantification of hormones, pr…


Research Sarah Lebeer | Sarah Lebeer | University of Antwerp

Sarah Lebeer full research professor Research Sarah Lebeer Research team Environmental Ecology & Applied Microbiology (ENdEMIC) Laboratory of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (LAMB) Expertise Bacteria-host interaction for beneficial microbes and probiotics (lactobacilli in gut, vagina, ...) Mi…


Research Projects in the UAntwerp database | Evolutionary Ecology Group - EVECO | University of Antwerp

Evolutionary Ecology Group - EVECO search menu search content Research Projects in the UAntwerp database Ongoing projects Individual variation in phenotypic plasticy in relation to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. 15/07/2024 - 14/07/2025 Abstract Phenotypic plasticity is considered as the main mecha…


Main ongoing projects - IMPRES: Integrated Molecular Plant physiology Research | Integrated Molecular Plant physiology Research | University of Antwerp

Integrated Molecular Plant physiology Research search menu search content Main ongoing projects - IMPRES: Integrated Molecular Plant physiology Research Ongoing projects TQUAnt: Targeted metabolome and exposome analysis for biological and environmental studies. 01/05/2024 - 30/04/2028 Abstract How d…


Public defences 2019 | Science | University of Antwerp

Science Public defences 2019 Public defences 2019 O(N) numerical methods for investigating graphene heterostructures and moiré patterns - Miša Anđelković (19/12/2019) Miša Anđelković 19 December 2019 Supervisors: François Peeters and Lucian Covaci Department of Physics Abstract In the resear…


Research Patrick Meire | Patrick Meire | University of Antwerp

Patrick Meire emeritus occasional assignment Research Patrick Meire Research team Ecosphere Expertise Ecological investigations in aquatic and wetland ecosystems. Vegetation mapping. Physico-chemical and biological (BBI) analysis of water quality. Blue-Green strategies for climate change adaptation …
