4 results found

2005-2006 | Institute of Jewish Studies | University of Antwerp

Institute of Jewish Studies search menu search content 2005-2006 Program 1st semester Inaugural lecture: An Old-New Language: Hebrew from 'saba' to 'sababa': October 27th 2005 Prof. Dr. Dorit Ravid - Tel Aviv University Het concept 'joods': Novemer 3th 2005 Prof. dr. Julien Klener Het verlangen naar…


Research Sara Vicca | Sara Vicca | University of Antwerp

Sara Vicca associate professor Research Sara Vicca Research team Biobased sustainability engineering (SUSTAIN) Expertise My research focuses on how different environmental factors influence carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and how changes in these ecosystems feed back to the climate system. …


Working Papers | Institute of Development Policy | University of Antwerp

Institute of Development Policy Working Papers Working Papers The IOB Working Paper Series (ISSN 2294-8643) seeks to stimulate the timely exchange of ideas about development issues, by offering a forum to get findings out quickly, even in a less than fully polished form. The IOB Working Papers are v…


Research Projects | Plants and Ecosystems | University of Antwerp

Plants and Ecosystems search menu search content Research Projects Ongoing projects The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural grasslands exposed to increasingly persistent weather patterns (AMFAGPW). 01/02/2025 - 31/01/2027 Abstract Amplified arctic warming lessens the temperature dif…
