Global Brassicaceae phylogeny based on filtering of 1,000-gene dataset

Current biology - ISSN 0960-9822-33:19 (2023) p. 4052-4068.e6
    Kasper P. Hendriks, Christiane Kiefer, Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz, C. Donovan Bailey, Alexander Hooft van Huysduynen, Lachezar A. Nikolov, Lars Nauheimer, Alexandre R. Zuntini, Dmitry A. German, Andreas Franzke, Marcus A. Koch, Martin A. Lysak, Oscar Toro-Nunez, Baris Ozudogru, Vanessa R. Invernon, Nora Walden, Olivier Maurin, Nikolai M. Hay, Philip Shushkov, Terezie Mandakova, M. Eric Schranz, Mats Thulin, Michael D. Windham, Ivana Resetnik, Stanislav Spaniel, Elfy Ly, J. Chris Pires, Alex Harkess, Barbara Neuffer, Robert Vogt, Christian Brauchler, Heimo Rainer, Steven B. Janssens, Michaela Schmull, Alan Forrest, Alessia Guggisberg, Sue Zmarzty, Brendan J. Lepschi, Neville Scarlett, Fred W. Stauffer, Ines Schonberger, Peter Heenan, William J. Baker, Felix Forest, Klaus Mummenhoff, Frederic Lens

Taxonomic investigation of the zooplanktivorous Lake Malawi cichlids **Copadichromis mloto** (Iles) and **C. virginalis** (Iles)

Hydrobiologia - ISSN 0018-8158-850 (2023) p. 2165-2175

Temporal and palaeoclimatic context of the evolution of insular woodiness in the Canary Islands

Ecology and evolution - ISSN 2045-7758-11:17 (2021) p. 12220-12231
    Alexander Hooft van Huysduynen, Steven Janssens, Vincent Merckx, Rutger Vos, Luis Valente, Alexander Zizka, Maximilian Larter, Betul Karabayir, Daphne Maaskant, Youri Witmer, Jose Maria Fernandez-Palacios, Lea de Nascimento, Ruth Jaen-Molina, Juli Caujape Castells, Aguedo Marrero-Rodriguez, Marcelino del Arco, Frederic Lens