Research team

CIRCUS - Towards a generic optimization model for CIRCUlar Supply chains by bridging operational research and quantitative sustainability assessments. 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2028


The process of resource extraction takes a significant toll on the environment, climate, biodiversity, and the overall livability of our planet. Through proper processing of end-of-life products and material flows for reintegration into the forward supply chain, defined as circular supply chain management, this impact can be drastically reduced. Circularity considerations, however, are expensive and require the collaboration of various stakeholders, including, among others, manufacturers, customers, recycling plants, and the government. The CIRCUS project aims to develop generic circular supply chain optimization models to facilitate the development and deployment of cost-effective and environmentally friendly circular supply chains. The envisaged models are simple (i.e., avoiding all unnecessary complexity), generic (i.e., applicable within a broad range of industries and circularity strategies), and aligned with a multi-stakeholder reality. As such, we will provide decision-makers at various levels and aiming for different objectives with clear guidance on how to seize benefits and engage in circular supply chain practices.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project