Cardiac contractility modulation as bailout in a patient with phospholamban p.Arg14del related cardiomyopathy intolerant to medication : a case report

European Heart Journal: Case Reports - ISSN 2514-2119-9:1 (2025) p. 1-5

Comparison of exercise training modalities and change in peak oxygen consumption in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction : a secondary analysis of the OptimEx-Clin trial

European journal of preventive cardiology - ISSN 2047-4873- (2024) p.
    Stephan Mueller, Marina Kabelac, Isabel Fegers-Wustrow, Ephraim B. Winzer, Andreas Gevaert, Paul Beckers, Bernhard Haller, Frank Edelmann, Jeffrey W. Christle, Mark J. Haykowsky, Vandana Sachdev, Dalane W. Kitzman, Axel Linke, Volker Adams, Ulrik Wisloff, Burkert Pieske, Emeline van Craenenbroeck, Martin Halle