Research team


Randomized- controlled trials, statistics, imaging on topics: tinnitus, hearing, cogniton, vestibular

The HuNT project: A Human Neuroimaging study investigating somatic Tinnitus mechanisms. 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2026


Tinnitus is a highly prevalent disorder affecting 10 to 15% of adults. It has a high socioeconomic burden, because it affects patients' quality of life, is associated with depression, reduced productivity at work and sleeping difficulties. Many different risk factors for the development of tinnitus have been described, such as hearing loss. In about 25% of patients, tinnitus is influenced by neck or jaw related muscle tension or limitations in joint movement, then called somatic tinnitus (ST). Animal research has proposed that ST originates from brainstem connections between the areas that collect information from the neck and jaw and hearing related areas. One brain imaging study has shown that these connections also exist in humans. This, however, does not explain why some patients with tinnitus experience changes in their tinnitus when they are having neck pain while others don't. This is why we aim to use a unique multimodal medical imaging approach with the ultimate goal to identify how function, structure and neurochemistry of key nodes (somatosensory and auditory) in the brain are related to ST. By comparing the results of a group of patients with ST to patients with other types of tinnitus and patients with neck pain without tinnitus, we aim to better identify the mechanisms of ST. This will give us the tools to improve future assessment and treatment strategies for patients with tinnitus.


Research team(s)

    Project type(s)

    • Research Project