Research team


Ans De Vos works as professor at the University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics, and as full professor at the Antwerp Management School. Since 2011, she holds the SD Worx Chair “Next generation work: creating sustainable careers”, with a research focus on the changing nature of work and careers, and sustainable career management. Her focus is specifically on the interaction between employee - organization - labor market and how insight into these three parties is necessary to create sustainable career policies. Current projects within the chair focus on the influence of demographic, technological and economic changes on jobs, labor relations and careers of different categories of workers, including the role of algorithmic management and career analytics. In recent years, she advised the Flemish Minister of Work as an expert on the relaunch of the labor market and a 'learning and career offensive' and was a member of the Economic Relaunch Committee. She is the Chairwomen of the Partnership for Lifelong Learning , appointed by the Flemish government, since 2020. In recent years, she was promoter of several research projects, including an FWO Excellence of Science (EOS) project “Sustainable careers for dual-earners and project-based workers: a stakeholder perspective”, together with HEC-UCL and KU Leuven (duration 2018-2021). Herein, AMS' research focused on what determines the sustainability of the careers of freelancers and employees in temporary project teams and the role of organizational policies in this. Within the expertise center Next Generation Work at Antwerp Management School, she supervises several projects dealing with the influence of (technological) changes on work, competencies and employability. This includes research and recommendations for research center partners on implementing a sustainable career policy, and on taking a lifestage, lifecourse perspective on careers in view of working longer and the age-diverse workforce. She reports on her research both in the popular media, trade press and academic outlets. Other relevant research projects she supervised include projects commissioned by the sectors VIVO, essenscia Vlaanderen, and Comeos on the influence of technological changes on work and employability, the ESF WELT project (led by VOKA) on employability of talent, and the ESF Innovation by Exploration project 'Careers in self-organizing teams' (together with Tabor Group and Workitects). For the Flemish Government, Department of Work and Social Economy, she was promoter of a VIONA study on work-to-work transitions and on the impact of the Flemish Climate Adaptation Plan on work. She served as content expert for the international ESF learning network “Careers and AGE (Age, Generations, Experience) (2013-2015) and was co-promoter of the ‘Center for Careers Research’ within the Steunpunt Werk en Sociale Economie, a policy support center funded by the Flemish government (duration 2011-2015). She coordinated a five-year research project on “Competence development in organizations” as part of the Policy Research Center Work and Social Economy (2007-2011), and a project commissioned by OECD on “Leveraging training and development skills in SME's in Flanders.” Ans De Vos is currently supervisor of 5 PhD students and serves as chairwomen or member of several doctoral committees both at in Belgium and abroad.

Career Experiences and Change Resistance: How Past Roles Shape Reactions to Organizational Change. 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2026


The central premise of this challenge is that employees' career history plays a key role in their openness to or resistance against change. This innovative idea makes a valuable contribution to several fields within management sciences, including change management, career, and diversity literature. Through this broad, interdisciplinary approach the project offers insights across multiple domains, significantly enhancing both its relevance and impact.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Policy Research Centre Work and Social Economics (2012-2015). 01/01/2012 - 30/04/2016


The Policy Research Centre Work and Social Economics (2012-2015) is a broad consortium of different groups collaborating to inform the Flemish Government on Labour Market issues. The Antwerp team is involved in the Career reserach stream looking at careers in a dynamic way.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project