Behaviour and Organisation
Behaviour and Organisation
Course code:
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Business Economics
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Economic Policy
- Bachelor of Business Engineering
- Bachelor of Business Engineering: Management Information Systems
- Bachelor of Applied Economics
- Bridging Programme Maritime and Logistics Management
- Bridging Programme Organisation and Management
Introduction to research methodology
Introduction to research methodology
Course code:
Research methodology for (business)economics
Research methodology for (business)economics
Course code:
Research methods in business economics
Research methods in business economics
Course code:
Behaviour and Organisation
Behaviour and Organisation
Course code:
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Business Economics
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Economic Policy
- Bachelor of Business Engineering
- Bachelor of Business Engineering: Management Information Systems
- Bridging Programme on Multilingual Professional Communication
- Bridging Programme Organisation and Management
- Bridging Programme Maritime and Logistics Management
Introduction to research methodology
Introduction to research methodology
Course code:
Research methodology
Research methodology
Course code:
Research methods in business economics
Research methods in business economics
Course code:
Behaviour and Organisation
Behaviour and Organisation
Course code:
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Business Economics
- Bachelor of Applied Economics: Economic Policy
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-English
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: German-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-French
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: English-Spanish
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Chinese
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Italian
- Bachelor of Applied Language Studies: French-Spanish
- Bachelor of Business Engineering
- Bachelor of Business Engineering: Management Information Systems
- Bridging Programme on Multilingual Professional Communication
- Bridging Programme Maritime and Logistics Management
- Bridging Programme Organisation and Management
Introduction to research methodology
Introduction to research methodology
Course code:
Research methodology
Research methodology
Course code:
Research methods in business economics
Research methods in business economics
Course code: