Naar de kermis voor kennis
Eos : actueel maandblad over wetenschap en technologie - ISSN 0772-0084- (2024.06.06) p. 66-69
Der Komet shines digitally, over more than 140 years of fairground history
Arts and Media Archaeology blog- (2024.07.18) p.
Preserving impressions of the fair. Digitizing the graphic collection of the Markt- und Schaustellermuseum in Essen
Arts and Media Archaeology blog- (2023.10.06) p.
Staging through image and performance: producing and projecting life model lantern slides for Christian evangelisation
Staging and the arts in nineteenth-century France: appearing, revealing, disappearing / Murgia, Camilla [edit.]-p. 25-48
Religious temperance propaganda and multimodal aesthetics of emotion. The lantern slide set ‘Un poison mortel’ and early film adaptations of Émile Zola’s L’Assommoir
Faith in a beam of light: magic lantern and belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940 / Lenk, Sabine [edit.]; Majsova, Natalija [edit.]-p. 155-168