Research team

RECLAIM: Restyling European Competition Law in the Age of Intelligent Machines 01/04/2024 - 31/03/2028


European competition law relies on a human worldview which is challenged by the fact that commercial transactions are increasingly driven by intelligent machines. This project starts from the assumption that the current antitrust rules are broken and dreams up three possible alternatives: (i) adapting the antitrust rules to automation through specific adjustments; (ii) prohibiting automation in certain circumstances; and (iii) adapting antitrust procedure by facilitating fast but temporary (experimental) interventions. These alternatives will be investigated through (i) a review of legal and other literature; (ii) thought experiments and case studies; and (iii) an intradisciplinary comparison with the approach to regulate automation in other legal fields.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project