Psychological contract fulfillment in a changing public sector : a mixed-methods case-study
Strengthening Democratic Governance for Better Public Policies and Services : proceedings of the EGPA 2024 Conference, 3-6 September, 2024, Athens, Greece- () p.
CEO turnover and openness of decision-making processes in the post-succession phase : exploring a threat-rigidity perspective
Administration and society - ISSN 0095-3997-56:9-10 (2024) p. 1059-1082
Between aims and execution : value trade-offs in the practical implementation of the European Arrest Warrant?
European journal of risk regulation - ISSN 1867-299X- (2024) p.
Does repeated change paradoxically undermine organizational adaptability? Essays on the impact of repeated organizational change on public organizations' capacity to adapt
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Bedrijfswetenschappen en Economie, Departement Management, 2024,163 p.
Nature or nurture? Agency life‐cycles as a function of institutional legacy, political environment, and organizational hardwiring
Public administration review - ISSN 0033-3352-83:6 (2023) p. 1833-1854