The use of connectives in L2 German writing by L1 Dutch students : a learner corpus study
Continuing Learner Corpus Research : challenges and opportunities / Ackerley, K. [edit.]; Castello, E. [edit.]-p. 213-244
Aufgabentyp-spezifischer Konnektivgebrauch in schriftlichen Texten von DaF-Lernenden : eine korpusbasierte Untersuchung
Korpora Deutsch als Fremdsprache (KorDaF) - ISSN 2749-4411-4:2 (2024) p. 126-148
Adopting ChatGPT as a writing buddy in the advanced L2 writing class
Technology in Language Teaching & Learning - ISSN 2652-1687-6:1 (2024) p. 1-19
The effects of corpus-focused instruction on sociolinguistic competence : a mixed-methods study into stylistic translation revision competence in English
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte, Departement Toegepaste Taalkunde – Vertalers en Tolken, 2022,464 p.
Assessing writing development during study abroad : the role of task and measures of linguistic and communicative performance
TASK : journal on task-based language teaching and learning - ISSN 2666-1748-2:1 (2022) p. 60-84