Effecten van de integratie gemeente en OCMW vanuit het perspectief van de betrokkenen: evaluatiestudie
Leuven, Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Vernieuwing, 2024,96 p.
Viewpoints of collaboration partners on user involvement in collaborative innovation projects
Collaborating for digital transformation : how internal and external collaboration can contribute to innovate public service delivery / Verhoest, K. [edit.]; et al.-p. 197-217
Contract management and network management in public-private eHealth partnerships
Collaborating for digital transformation : how internal and external collaboration can contribute to innovate public service delivery / Verhoest, K. [edit.]; et al.-p. 168-196
The design and management of public-private eHealth partnerships
Collaborating for digital transformation : how internal and external collaboration can contribute to innovate public service delivery / Verhoest, K. [edit.]; et al.-p. 144-167
Conditions for successful public-private collaboration for public service innovation
Collaborating for digital transformation : how internal and external collaboration can contribute to innovate public service delivery / Verhoest, K. [edit.]; et al.-p. 52-79