Commissioned book review : David Cutts, Andrew Russell and Joshua Townsley, The liberal democrats: from hope to despair to where?
European political science - ISSN 1680-4333- (2025) p.
How do UK political elites reconcile with a low trust environment?
Political studies - ISSN 0032-3217- (2025) p. 1-22
Inside the ‘secret garden’ : candidate selection at the 2019 UK general election
British journal of politics and international relations - ISSN 1369-1481- (2024) p. 1-28
Politicians are better at estimating public opinion when they think it is more salient
Party politics - ISSN 1354-0688- (2024) p. 1-13
Do governments always take unpopular decisions knowingly? How perceptual inaccuracy affects policy decisions
Representation - ISSN 0034-4893- (2023) p. 1-18