Assessing the Digital Visibility of Literary Translators
- ISSN 2295-1210-14:15 () p. 94-123
The Routledge Handbook of Translation, Interpreting and Crisis
Abingdon, Routledge, 2024,452 p.
Zichtbaarheid voor literair vertalers
Alles verandert altijd : Perspectieven op literair vertalen / D’hulst, L. [edit.]; Van de Poel, C. [edit.]-p. 21-28
The Power of the Transnational Native Tongue in Exile: Belgian Refugees during the First World War, Their Exile Press and Their Fragmented Identity
Immigration and Exile Foreign-Language Press in the UK and in the US : Connected Histories of the 19th and 20th Centuries / Prévost, S. [edit.]; Deschamps, D. [edit.]-p. 259-278
No more buying cats in a bag? Literary Translation in the age of language automation
Revista Tradumàtica : Traduccio i Tecnologies de la Informacio i la Comunicacio - ISSN 1578-7559-21 (2023) p. 49-62