Food for thought : reinforced learning and recall of physical activity calorie equivalent (PACE) and numerical calorie content in an associative learning task

Appetite: the journal for research on intake, its control and its consequence - ISSN 0195-6663-193 (2024) p. 1-10

The impact of nutritional labeling on adult snack choices : a controlled field experiment in a non-commercial professional setting

Appetite: the journal for research on intake, its control and its consequence - ISSN 0195-6663-193 (2024) p. 1-12

What the curtains do not shield : a phenomenological exploration of patient‐witnessed resuscitation in hospital. Part 2: Healthcare professionals' experiences

Journal of advanced nursing - ISSN 0309-2402-78:8 (2022) p. 2596-2607
    Martina Fiori, Maureen Coombs, Ruth Endacott, Clara Cutello, Jos M. Latour

What the curtains do not shield : a phenomenological exploration of patient‐witnessed resuscitation in hospital. Part 1: patients' experiences

Journal of advanced nursing - ISSN 0309-2402-78:7 (2022) p. 2203-2213
    Martina Fiori, Jos M. Latour, Ruth Endacott, Clara Cutello, Maureen Coombs