Comprehensive educational framework on the application of 3D technologies for the restoration of cultural heritage objects

Journal of cultural heritage - ISSN 1296-2074-66 (2024) p. 613-627

Een heldere spiegel voor de student : de drie paradoxen van de starttoets lerarenopleiding

THeMa : tijdschrift voor hoger onderwijs & management - ISSN 1380-7110-4 (2023) p. 35-39
    David Corradi, Joeri Deryckere, Michelle Dewulf, Dennis Van der Kuylen

Excellence bias related to rating scales with summative jury assessment

Assessment and evaluation in higher education - ISSN 0260-2938-48:5 (2023) p. 627-641

How can comparative judgement become an effective means toward providing clear formative feedback to students to improve their learning process during their product-service-system design project?

Design and technology education: an international journal - ISSN 1360-1431-26:3 (2021) p. 276-293

Can comparative judgement improve product development and product-service system design for students

DS 110: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (EPDE 2021)- () p. 1-6