Research team
Research activity 1 involves analyzing various aspects of the economic integration of migrants and their descendants, ranging from educational outcomes to labour market participation, with a specific focus on examining trajectories and transitions, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of integration and activation policies. Research activity 2 entails an analysis of labour migration and intra-European labour mobility, including the characteristics and dynamics of different migration flows, their impacts on receiving societies, and the effectiveness of labour migration policies.
Unlocking Dynamics of Labour Migration and Migrant Integration.
Numerous European countries grapple with enduring labour shortages, heightened demand for foreign labour, and the concurrent challenge of effectively integrating recent immigrants into their workforce. Consequently, labour migration and migrant integration have become central topics in extensive scholarly and policy discussions. This research project aims to address crucial gaps in the scientific understanding on two primary fronts. Firstly, it seeks to bridge knowledge gaps in the labour market integration of migrants by meticulously mapping their initial pathways to employment, linking these pathways to long-term outcomes, and evaluating integration measures aimed at enhancing immigrants' labour market position. Secondly, the project analyses the selection process driving migration patterns among both labour migrants and posted workers, and assesses how these migration channels impact differently domestic employment in receiving labour markets. To achieve these goals, the project uses large-scale linked register data and longitudinal analysis techniques in the context of Belgium. Beyond expanding the scope of migration and integration research, the insights derived from this comprehensive study hold promise for evidence-based policymaking and fostering improved economic and social outcomes among migrant populations, not limited to Belgium but extending to other immigrant societies as well.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Marx Ive
- Fellow: Lens Dries
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
TOR Flanders – Economic and legislative expertise of Flanders.
The Department of Work and Social Economy (DWSE) – Government of Flanders and the Walloon Public Service "Economy-Employment-Research'' (WSP EER) have requested the support of the European Commission and the OECD through the TSI 2023 Flagship technical Support project: Migrant integration and talent attraction. The support is requested to present international good practices and potential initiatives for the attraction and retention of international talent and to identify potential changes to the existing economic migration frameworks in Flanders and Wallonia on this basis. In particular, the specific objective of this Project is to support Flanders and Wallonia to design, develop and implement reforms to attract and retain qualified talents. The OECD has outsourced resources to the Centre for Social Policy for implementation of the Flemish Project.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Lens Dries
- Co-promoter: Mussche Ninke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project