StatUA. 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2026


StatUa was recognized and funded as a core facility of the University of Antwerp in 2009, with the mission to facilitate scientific research at UAntwerp via statistical and methodological support of researchers. Following positive evaluations, this recognition was renewed twice: in 2011 for the period 2012-2016 and in 2016, for the period 2017-2021. In virtually all fields of research, the importance of proper methodological setup and state-of-the-art statistical analysis is increasing. Since its recognition, StatUa has assisted researchers from all faculties from UAntwerp. This resulted in co-autorship of a StatUa collaborator in over 200 internationally peer-reviewed publications. Moreover, these publications only represent a fraction of all research projects to which StatUa has contributed. Apart from direct support to individual researchers, StatUa has a close collaboration with Antwerp Doctoral School for teaching statistics and methodology to doctoral students, through short courses and hands-on practical sessions. Within the UAntwerp, StatUa is an important and well-known point of contact for researchers with statistical and methodological questions. The primary focus of this proposal is to renew the recognition of StatUa as a core facility, to continue our statistical and methodological support of the researchers at UAntwerp.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project