Ellen Vandervieren

Ellen Vandervieren is assistant professor in statistics and in didactics of mathematics & computer science at the faculty of social sciences.
She teaches several statistics courses and leads the preparatory statistics course at the faculty of social sciences (www.uantwerpen.be/voortraject-fsw). She is responsible for the teacher education program in mathematics and computer science at the Antwerp School of Education, and is chair of the mathematics taskforce at CNO (Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs, University of Antwerp). Ellen also organizes the Flemish ‘Wiskunde B-dag’, a math competition for secondary education (www.uantwerpen.be/wiskunde-b-dag).
Ellen Vandervieren is an effective voting member of the social sciences faculty council and the departmental council of training and education sciences at the University of Antwerp. Besides, she is an effective voting member of the Hoge Raad voor de Statistiek (Statbel), and she chairs the PR & communication taskforce and internship taskforce at the Antwerp School of Education.
Background: Ellen Vandervieren has a master’s degree in mathematics, a doctoral degree in robust statistics, and a teaching degree.
Research: Ellen Vandervieren conducts research on teacher education, teacher professional development and mathematics education. The improvement of statistical literacy and the use of semi-automated feedback and assessment in mathematics are central topics in her research agenda. For publications and research projects: http://www.uantwerpen.be/en/staff/ellen-vandervieren/publications