Research team


Pre- and post measurements, quantitative data analysis, literature review, in depth interviews, focus groups, Delphi study

Professionalisation of Teacher Educators in English and Mathematics (ProTEEM). 01/03/2024 - 28/02/2027


ProTEEM provides Professionalisation of Teacher Educators in English and Mathematics for students' academic equity and success through quality literacy and numeracy education. More than 30 senior or junior teacher educators from four universities in the DR Congo (UNIKIN, UNILU, UCB) and Zambia (KNU), will profit from the expertise in scarce resource education from Antwerp University (B), Kaunas University of Technology (LT), Stellenbosch University (SA) and Rhodes University (SA): ProTEEM focuses on continuous professional development (CPD) in inclusive, autonomy-enhancing and blended learning environments for English and Maths to increase gender equality and reduce poverty through quality education. Next to teacher training, the Inspectorate and teacher associations are also involved in the dissemination of project outputs: lesson plans and materials for flipped classrooms, blended learning, gender-responsive tasks, low-tech digital tools, etc. Research into the project outcomes has added capacity building value that all our HEIs as education and research institutions with a community service mission benefit from: the partners collaborate in PhD projects on the effectiveness of the project's hybrid CPD approach in the specific context of low-income countries. Four female PhD students, affiliated to each DRC HEI and to UNZA (Zambia), will collect and analyse CPD (transfer) data from the CPD participants and their students. ProTEEM efficiently (1) focuses on CPD of teacher educators, capitalising on their multiplier effect (train the trainer & trickle-down effects), (2) improves both literacy and numeracy, because quality English and Maths education is crucial for educational equity and socioeconomic emancipation, and (3) adopts a sustainable hybrid on-site/online training approach, with evidence-informed modular blended learning. It attains a combination of Sustainable Development Goals, the main one being SDG 4.6: ensure that all youth (…), both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Education Project
  • Research Project

Effective CLIL education in Flanders. Profiles of schools and students, perceived effects and preconditions. 01/01/2024 - 28/02/2025


What does an effective methodology for CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) look like? To what extent does CLIL in Flemish secondary education meet these characteristics? And what can stakeholders do to support effective CLIL education? This study aspires to provide answers to these questions based on a mixed-methods approach and does so in three lines of inquiry: (1) a literature review (umbrella review) that identifies the characteristics of effective CLIL education; (2) a quantitative study in which a Flanders-wide survey on the one hand identifies profiles of schools that offer CLIL and students following CLIL (latent profile analysis), and on the other hand identifies perceived effects and determinant variables (structural equation modeling); and (3) an in-depth qualitative study that uses a delphi study to identify those characteristics of effective CLIL education as well as the preconditions for successful implementation in Flanders among a selection of schools (on the one hand schools that offer 'effective' CLIL education; on the other hand schools that have recently stopped offering CLIL). This study can provide valuable input to the actors involved in CLIL in Flanders. First, they gain an evidence-informed insight into the core elements that influence the effectiveness of CLIL education. Secondly, the results clarify to what extent Flemish CLIL education meets these characteristics of effectiveness, how these effects are experienced at different levels (pupils, teachers and school teams), and in this way policy makers can make data-based decisions. Thirdly, schools starting CLIL education can be supported by identifying essential prerequisites for successful implementation.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

B+: destination reached for mathematics teachers in the B stream. 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2024


The B+ project is a further training project, aimed at mathematics teachers B-stream and financed by the Flemish Government. The professionalization within the B+ project consists of a combination of substantive and subject didactic professionalization based on scientific frameworks in which the ownership of the mathematics teachers is central. Work is done both at individual teacher level and at department level. Based on his or her initial situation analysis, the mathematics teacher 1st grade B stream shapes his or her own B+ professionalization trajectory. Through lesson study, among other things, professionalization is organized school-based with collective learning by departments of mathematics teachers who work in an activating way (lesson design, teaching, redesign of the lesson).


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Lesson study as a vehicle for improving achievement in mathematics (LESSAM). 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2023


The international research project aims to investigate the impact of the model of Lesson Study on teacher learning and, consequently, on student learning outcomes across four participating countries. Lesson Study (LS) is a teacher professional development model that originated in Japan in the 1870s, but has recently been adapted worldwide. The basic model involves teams of teachers within a school investigating collaboratively the effectiveness of teaching practices for their students. The core model involves: a) plan lessons during planning meetings, b) teach/observe those lessons; c) reflect on lessons during reflection meetings. Variations of the model include the presence of a LS facilitator during teachers' planning and reflection meetings, guiding teachers as they construct new knowledge. Despite the promising nature of LS, more evidence is needed in order to establish how teacher learning occurs during LS meetings. Even less evidence exists on the impact of this learning on teaching practices and, as a result, on students' academic achievement. Using a quasi-experimental research design, we examine the impact of a series of Lesson Study interventions in mathematics classrooms (grade 7-9) in four participating countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Cyprus an Greece). on both student and teacher level. The objectives of the project are (1) to examine the effects of teachers' participation in Lesson Study on their own learning and on students' mathematical reasoning; (2) to examine the potential impact of the role of an LS Advisor and LS Facilitators on dialogues and teacher learning; and (3) to examine the relationship between teacher intentions and teaching practices.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Education Project
  • Research Project

It takes two to teach! The effects of team teaching models on experiences, learning patterns and learning outcomes in student teachers during field experiences. 01/05/2020 - 30/04/2024


Within teacher education, field experiences are crucial in training future teachers. During these internships, student teachers are typically placed individually with a mentor. Since collaboration in schools gains importance (e.g. collegial visitation, co-teaching, learning communities), teacher education institutes show a growing interest in field experiences inspired by collaborative learning. Collaboration between student teachers has several benefits (e.g. enhanced communication skills). Therefore, a paired placement, during which two student teachers share a mentor, is suggested to be a good alternative for an individual placement. During paired placements, opportunities for team teaching, which refers to two or more teachers in some level of collaboration in the planning, delivery, and/or evaluation of a course, arise. Different team teaching models exist (e.g. assistant teaching, equal status model). However, research comparing these models is limited. Therefore, this project investigates how the actors involved in team teaching (student teachers, mentors, teacher educators) experience different team teaching models. Moreover, it examines the effects of these models on student teachers' learning patterns and learning outcomes. In this way, the proposed research contributes to theory development on (dis)advantages of different team teaching models and to a comprehensive understanding of student teachers' learning in paired placements.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Using semi-automated feedback and assessment for mathematical proficiency: a quasi-experimental study on student learning effectiveness, reliability and time savings. 01/11/2019 - 31/10/2023


Feedback is the most powerful engine of any learning process. In the field of Mathematics Education, the possibilities to assess automatedly are therefore being thoroughly explored. However, students face difficulties expressing themselves mathematically on a computer and learning systems can often only assess the outcome and not the solving method. Research indicates that automated tests focus too much on procedural fluency, at the expense of mathematical thinking questions. It takes much effort to develop digital tests and teachers are sceptical of using automated assessments, meaning that paper-and-pencil tests still dominate the math class. One of the characteristics of mathematical assessment is that wrong answers tend to exhibit patterns among the student population. Consequently, teachers often repeat their feedback and marks. This brings us to the idea of semi-automated feedback and assessment: by correcting handwritten tasks digitally, feedback can be saved and re-used. This could lead to more elaborate feedback and interesting time savings, but also opens up possibilities to extensively monitor the individual learning process of students, and to apply adaptive differentiated instruction using Bayesian networks. A Bayesian network is a probabilistic graphical model of a student's proficiency. We want to focus on the learning gains that semi-automated evaluation systems can offer, but also explore the reliability, time savings and acceptance levels of such systems.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Identification and analysis of practices of effective use and development of teachers' skills in the last years of primary education 01/10/2015 - 31/03/2017


This research project will record good practices of teacher deployment - both in and outside class in upper primary education - that aim at capitalizing on staff competencies, reinforcing differentiated instruction and safeguarding successful transition to secondary education. We will provide in-depth descriptions of selected practices, while at the same time shedding light on accompanying conditions and experiences from the viewpoint of school management, teachers as well as students. Data will be collected through case studies and Delphi methodology.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project