Ensuring circular strategy implementation : the development of circular economy indicators for ports
Maritime transport research - ISSN 2666-822X-4 (2023) p. 1-16
Accelerating the circular economy transition process for gateway ports : the case of the Port of Zeebrugge
Maritime transport research - ISSN 2666-822X-4 (2023) p. 1-10
Cost overruns of Belgian transport infrastructure projects : analyzing variations over three land transport modes and two project phases
Transport policy - ISSN 0967-070X-134 (2023) p. 167-179
Modal shift ambitions of large North European ports : a contract-theory perspective on the role of port managing bodies
Maritime transport research - ISSN 2666-822X-3 (2022) p. 1-18
Mitigating the environmental and social footprint of brownfields : the case for a peripheral CSR approach
European management journal - ISSN 0263-2373-39:6 (2021) p. 710-719