A call to action on pregnancy-related lifestyle interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk in the offspring : a Scientific Statement of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology of the ESC

European journal of preventive cardiology - ISSN 2047-4873- (2025) p.

Retinal vessel analysis to assess microvascular function in the healthy eye : a systematic review on the response to acute physiological and pathological stressors

Survey of ophthalmology - ISSN 0039-6257-70:2 (2025) p. 200-214
    Jan Van Eijgen, Lien Van Winckel, Henner Hanssen, Konstantin Kotliar, Thomas Vanassche, Emeline van Craenenbroeck, Veronique Cornelissen, Amaryllis Van Craenenbroeck, Elisabeth Jones, Ingeborg Stalmans