Loading Speed and Intensity in Eccentric Calf Training Impact Acute Changes in Achilles Tendon Thickness and Stiffness: A Randomized Crossover Trial

Medicine and science in sports and exercise - ISSN 0195-9131
    Lauren Pringels, Dries Pieters, Sarah Van Den Berghe, Erik Witvrouw, Arne Burssens, Luc Vanden Bossche, Evi Wezenbeek

Localized electrocortical activity as a function of single-leg squat phases and its relationship to knee frontal plane stability

Experimental brain research - ISSN 0014-4819-242:11 (2024) p. 2583-2597
    Scott Bonnette, Evi Wezenbeek, Jed A. Diekfuss, Taylor Zuleger, Mario Ramirez, Lexie Sengkhammee, Vicente Raja, Gregory D. Myer, Christopher D. Riehm

Blood Flow Restriction Exercise as a Novel Conservative Standard in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis-A Narrative Review

Applied Sciences - ISSN 2076-3417-14:14 (2024) p.
    Ewoud Jacobs, Erik Witvrouw, Patrick Calders, Lenka Stroobant, Jan Victor, Joke Schuermans, Evi Wezenbeek

Novel Insights Into the Intratendinous Pressure Behavior of the Achilles Tendon in Athletes

Sports health - ISSN 1941-7381- (2024) p.
    Lauren Pringels, Gilles Van Acker, Evi Wezenbeek, Arne Burssens, Luc Vanden Bossche

Vascular occlusion for optimising the functional improvement in patients with knee osteoarthritis : a randomised controlled trial

Annals of the rheumatic diseases - ISSN 0003-4967- (2024) p. 1-9
    Ewoud Jacobs, Lenka Stroobant, Jan Victor, Dirk Elewaut, Thomas Tampere, Steven Wallaert, Erik Witvrouw, Joke Schuermans, Evi Wezenbeek