The body dysmorphic disorder questionnaire-aesthetic surgery : are we screening the troublesome patients?

Facial plastic surgery - ISSN 0736-6825- (2024) p.

Acinic cell carcinoma of the anterior nasal septum : a case report

B-ENT - ISSN 2684-4907-19:2 (2023) p. 141-143
    Julie Van Pee, Helene Van Gaver, Wendy Buffet, Bert De Foer, Frank Declau

Comparison in patient satisfaction between structural component and hybrid T-bar preservation rhinoplasty : a retrospective propensity score matched cohort study

Aesthetic plastic surgery - ISSN 0364-216X-47 (2023) p. 2598-2608

Three years of vestibular infant screening in infants with sensorineural hearing loss

Pediatrics - ISSN 1098-4275-150:1 (2022) p. 1-11
    Sarie Martens, Ingeborg Dhooge, Cleo Dhondt, Saartje Vanaudenaerde, Marieke Sucaet, Helen Van Hoecke, Els De Leenheer, Lotte Rombaut, An Boudewyns, Christian Desloovere, Anne-Sophie Vinck, Sebastien Janssens de Varebeke, Dominique Verschueren, Margriet Verstreken, Ina Foulon, Charlotte Staelens, Claudia De Valck, Robbe Calcoen, Nele Lemkens, Okan Öz, Mieke De Bock, Lisa Haverbeke, Christoph Verhoye, Frank Declau, Benoit Devroede, Glen Forton, Naima Deggouj, Leen Maes