Stress and telomere length in leukocytes : investigating the role of GABRA6 gene polymorphism and cortisol
Psychoneuroendocrinology - ISSN 0306-4530-173 (2025) p. 1-10
Investigation of gait characteristics and kinematic deviations in rare genetic disorders with instrumented gait analysis
Journal of intellectual disability research - ISSN 0964-2633- (2025) p.
Unexpected high prevalence of focal facial dermal dysplasia (FFDD) type IV is linked to a founder effect in the Belgian population
Clinical genetics - ISSN 0009-9163- (2025) p.
Tracing the invisible mutant ADNP protein in Helsmoortel-Van der Aa syndrome patients
Scientific reports - ISSN 2045-2322-14:1 (2024) p. 1-23
Burden re-analysis of neurodevelopmental disorder cohorts for prioritization of candidate genes
European journal of human genetics - ISSN 1018-4813- (2024) p.