Integrative review of the impact of coworker support on nurses' job motivation : associations with job satisfaction, stress, and intention to stay
Nursing forum - ISSN 0029-6473-2024 (2024) p. 1-13
Trust and distrust in public governance settings : conceptualising and testing the link in regulatory relations
Journal of trust research - ISSN 2151-5581-14:2 (2024) p. 127-156
Distrust : a critical review exploring a universal distrust sequence
Journal of trust research - ISSN 2151-5581-13:1 (2023) p. 1-23
What drives compliance with COVID‐19 measures over time? Explaining changing impacts with Goal Framing Theory
Regulation & governance - ISSN 1748-5983-17:1 (2023) p. 3-21
Taking a COVID-19 vaccine or not? Do trust in government and trust in experts help us to understand vaccination intention?
Administration and society - ISSN 0095-3997-54:10 (2022) p. 1875-1901