Research team


Research into the pathogenesis and treatment of addictive disorders and their comorbidities with other mental health disorders. Public mental health

Scientific chair 'Public Mental Health'. 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2023


Objectives of the Public Mental Health chair Despite the change (s) of the context, we as a society bear the responsibility to provide people with a psychological or psychosocial need the best possible care in a cost-efficient way (with attention to the perception of both healthcare users and caregivers;. With the chair 'Public Mental Health' we want to offer support and guidance to this social responsibility through research, education and services. The research section of the chair will focus on collecting information about the current care needs and the current care offer. After all, there are few data available today about the occurrence of psychosocial and psychological complaints and disorders in Flanders (or Belgium), and their seriousness. The information on the care-delivery side is also incomplete; for example, we have little to no insight into what GPs, freestanding psychiatrists and (primary) psychologists provide to psychological and psychosocial care. We will ask health care users and care providers about (non-filled in) care needs. In addition, existing (linked) databases (from Antwerp care providers and other sources) will be examined in this light. Based on the background of and in combination with international literature, the local findings provide input for the teaching section of the chair. The knowledge about mental health (care) in the general population is relatively limited ('mental health literacy') and the taboo about mental problems and the stigma with regard to people with mental health problems is great, even with ( somatic-oriented) care providers, so that people with mental health problems do not seek help or receive inadequate (somatic) help . With training and education, both for students and for a broader public, this can be tackled. Finally, the research component provides a lot of input for the service part of the chair. With the collected data, we hope to be able to start a data-driven healthcare provision in the province of Antwerp, strengthening the cooperative between the participating hospitals and with other actors in the field. Mental health and mental well-being are gaining weight in society. The zeitgeist is therefore extremely suitable to set up this chair. We are convinced that the chair can act as a lever in the acquisition of additional funds.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Matching needs and treatment possibilities in Flemish mental health care. 01/12/2018 - 30/04/2020


Psychiatric disorders and psychosocial complaints are highly prevalent and have large personal and societal impacts. Flemish mental health care has changed dramatically over the past few years. How can we provide these patients with the best possible care? In this project, we will develop a valid methodology to inventory the psychiatric and psychosocial needs in society. In addition, we would like to get a better view on what kind of mental health care interventions are provided in primary care, and provide recommendations to improve the match between care needs and care possiblities.


Research team(s)

Project website

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

development, implementation and effect of adding an online CBT as add-on to implicate cognitive training for people with a gambling disorder 01/12/2015 - 30/11/2016


Cognitive Bias modification (CBM) as an add-on therapy onto of treatment as usual,has proven to give a significant positive effect, i.e; reduction of daily alcohol use and days of heavy drinking in alcohol dependent patients. Recently our group (UA, VUA) developed a CBM for the treatment of gambling disorders. In the current research we explore whether addition of an online CBT as add-on to a CBM for gambling disorders will increase treatment retention, efficacy and cost-effectiveness.


Research team(s)

Project website

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Development of a collaborative - multidisciplinary protocol for treatment and follow-up of mayor depression 01/02/2015 - 31/12/2015


This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the Flemish Public Service. UA provides the Flemish Public Service research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Development, implementation and effect study of an online implicit cognitive training for the treatment (self help and active treatment) of people with a money- and gambling addiction. 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2014


This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand Nationale Loterij. UA provides Nationale Loterij research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Use of alcohol, illegal drugs, hypnotics and tranquilizers in the Belgian population. Prevention and treatment by general practioners, and health surveillance on the work floor by occupational physicians: knowledge needs and supply (UP TO DATE). 01/12/2011 - 01/12/2014


The UP-TO-DATE consortium aims at providing an accurate view of the management of addiction in Belgium, from the physicians' perspective. The purpose of this research is to know 1) what the current demand is for care in the front line; 2) to what extent GPs and OPs are involved in this problem, and 3) what resources they are able to use for providing appropriate response to all types of requests for treatment of substance abuse. Other professionals from the addiction sector will also be interviewed to assess if they consider these physicians as a support, and if the role played by GPs is sufficiently valued.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Poly drug using and mental health among drug users who have a demand for treatment (POLYMEH). 01/12/2009 - 30/06/2011


This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the Federal Public Service. UA provides the Federal Public Service research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project