Sustainable Logistics Sites (SuLoSi). 01/11/2023 - 30/04/2026


With the 'Sustainable Logistics Sites' project, VIL, VITO and UAntwerpen want to inspire and stimulate the logistics sector to make logistics sites and real estate more sustainable. This through cost- and space-saving collaboration and the use of innovative technologies. status: In progress | theme: Green Supply Chains | type: Regional Logistics is a growth sector for our region, extremely conveniently located in relation to the European hinterland. The growth in logistics volumes translates into an increasing demand for infrastructure, land and buildings. This creates an area of tension with other, social policy ambitions such as the Flemish 'Bouwshift' and the 'Blue Deal' and European climate and nature objectives. This field of tension causes an increasing business economic impact for the companies involved. Rising land and raw material prices combined with stricter building regulations and environmental requirements are forcing logistics to revise its vision of the logistics field. By using this space more consciously, building and furnishing more sustainably and sharing certain functions of the site, the social impact can be limited. INTEGRAL SUSTAINABILITY VISION The project develops an integral long-term sustainability vision, as well as practical advice, a roadmap and cooperation and business models that companies, individually or collectively, can work with to realize the vision, in their own economic and all of our social interests. The project addresses the daily use and small investments by companies, as well as on the (re)development and renovation of real estate and sites by developers and site managers. OPPORTUNITIES The project's interdisciplinary approach provides participants with a broad view of the various sustainability issues that converge on the logistics site and provides them with knowledge and insights to make informed short- and long-term decisions The project will propose solutions for the various sustainability challenges on a technological level, but also through collaboration between companies and demonstrate how such collaboration is best organized in the field CONCRETE ACTIVITIES Mapping best practices and sharing technical and academic knowledge within the fields of design and spatial planning, space utilization, water management, circular development and biodiversity Consolidation of acquired insights and translation into effective application to logistics sites and buildings Elaboration of suitable business models and management structures to encourage cooperation on sustainability in logistics sites. Development of pilot projects in cooperation with the participating parties Preparation of a vision with transition paths to achieve long-term sustainable logistics sites in Flanders and a roadmap with concrete advice for the companies involved


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

A plan for healthy urban development in the Merode region (HEALTHY CORE) 01/10/2019 - 30/09/2021


More and more the importance of a healthy living environment is coming to the fore. With this project we want to contribute to the knowledge about healthy strengthening of residential areas in peri-urban regions. By involving local care providers in the planning process, we are looking for a way to make better use of the area through the care sector, on the one hand, and to increase the natural capital in the centers in relation to their health. The project results in guidelines for designers and planners for healthy urban design. In addition, the project is considered to be a learning process towards interdisciplinary cooperation between spatial planning and the care and health sector at the level of policy, research and practice.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project