Do bilinguals have an emotional advantage? An exploratory study on the interplay of language, culture and emotion
Language culture and curriculum - ISSN 0790-8318- (2024) p.
Revisiting parental engagement : creating, crossing, and blurring the boundaries of the home-school language divide
Linguistics and education - ISSN 0898-5898-81 (2024) p. 1-11
The invisible support of community schools in a highly unequal education system : exploring the experiences of minority pupils and teachers
British educational research journal - ISSN 0141-1926-50:4 (2024) p. 2091-2110
En route : over hoe meertalige kinderen emoties navigeren
School- en klaspraktijk - ISSN 1780-0498- () p. 1-13
Oriëntering van nieuwkomers op het einde van het basisonderwijs : alle opties in kaart
Caleidoscoop : leerlingenbegeleiding vandaag en morgen - ISSN 0776-474X-35:5 (2023) p. 38-47