A modelling framework for local thermal comfort assessment related to bicycle helmet use

Journal of thermal biology - ISSN 0306-4565-112 (2023) p. 1-19
    Peter Broede, Jean-Marie Aerts, Guido De Bruyne, Tiago Sotto Mayor, Simon Annaheim, Dusan Fiala, Kalev Kuklane

The effect of the scalp on the effectiveness of bicycle helmets' anti-rotational acceleration technologies

Traffic injury prevention - ISSN 1538-9588-2:1 (2021) p. 51-56
    Dimitris Zouzias, Guido De Bruyne, Aisling Ni Annaidh, Antonia Trotta, Jan Ivens

Thermal performance of equestrian helmets

Advances in Social and Occupational Ergonomics: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Social and Occupational Ergonomics, July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA / Goossens, R.H.M. [edit.]; Murata, A. [edit.]- () p. 323-331
    Merlin Bauwens, Sarah de Graaf, Alexandra Vermeir, Shriram Mukunthan, Guido De Bruyne

Preventing chemotherapy-induced onycholysiswith the use of an active local cooling device

Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices, July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA / Lightner, N.; Kalra, J.- () p. 219-226