Ketamine-induced uropathy : the detrimental effects of chronic ketamine abuse beyond the bladder: a case report with a brief literature review
Journal of Urological Surgery - ISSN 2148-9580-11:4 (2024) p. 235-239
Response to the letter to the Editor re "Long term risks of childhood surgery"
Journal of pediatric urology - ISSN 1477-5131-20:2 (2024) p. 175-175
Laparoscopic strategies in complex upper urinary tract obstruction
Journal of pediatric urology - ISSN 1477-5131-20:2 (2024) p. 305-311
Long-term risks of childhood surgery
Journal of pediatric urology - ISSN 1477-5131-20:2 (2024) p. 165-172
Adult outcomes of urinary, sexual functions and fertility after pediatric management of differences in sex development : who should be followed and how?
Journal of pediatric urology - ISSN 1477-5131-20:3 (2024) p. 367-375