Modeling antigen-specific T cell dynamics following Hepatitis B Vaccination indicates differences between conventional and regulatory T cell dynamics
Vaccine - ISSN 0264-410X-42:21 (2024) p. 1-13
Within-host modeling to measure dynamics of antibody responses after natural infection or vaccination : a systematic review
Vaccine - ISSN 0264-410X-41:25 (2023) p. 3701-3709
Modeling antibody dynamics following herpes zoster indicates that higher varicella-zoster virus viremia generates more VZV-specific antibodies
Frontiers in immunology - ISSN 1664-3224-14 (2023) p. 1-10
A generalized model of chikungunya virus with both modes of transmission and humoral immunity
Communications in mathematical biology and neuroscience - ISSN 2052-2541-2020 (2020) p. 1-13
Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a generalized chikungunya virus infection model with two modes of transmission and delays
Discrete dynamics in nature and society - ISSN 1026-0226-2020 (2020) p. 1-12