"It's not that we feel incompetent, we simply lack the institutional solutions" : applying a collective capabilities perspective to voluntary organisations in the homelessness field
Journal of human development & capabilities - ISSN 1945-2829-26:1 (2025) p. 108-128
Burgers vangen Oekraïense vluchtelingen op : voor herhaling vatbaar?
Sociaal.net- (2023.02.09) p.
Hidden homelessness : a scoping review and avenues for further inquiry
Social policy and society - ISSN 1474-7464-22:2 (2023) p. 282-298
L'IMMOC : "Le squat le plus pourri de Bruxelles dans des logements pseudosociaux à l'abandon depuis 10 ans"
Brussel, Odisee hogeschool, 2022,19 p.
Sztab Pomocy Belgia : citizens supporting homeless people during the Covid lockdown
Brussel, Odisee hogeschool, 2022,16 p.