Research team


Signal processing HRTF measurement Biomimetic Sonarsystems for robots

Nexor - Cyber-Physical Systems for the Industry 4.0 era 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2026


The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 as it is commonly referred to) is driven by extreme digitalization, enabled by tremendous computing capacity, smart collaborating machines and wireless computer networks. In the last six years, Nexor — a multi-disciplinary research consortium blending expertise from four Antwerp research labs — has built up a solid track record therein. We are currently strengthening the consortium in order to establish our position in the European eco-system. This project proposal specifies our 2021 - 2026 roadmap, with the explicit aim to empower industrial partners to tackle their industry 4.0 challenges. We follow a demand driven approach, convincing industrial partners to pick up our innovative research ideas, either by means of joint research projects (TRL 5—7) or via technology licenses.


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Research Grant Human Frontier Science Program. 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2023


Mental time travel (MTT) is the ability to decouple from the present and simulate experiences from the past and into the future. In humans, MTT is fundamental for solving problems by anticipating results of actions based on past experiences. The contentious question whether non-human animals possess MTT abilities can be answered by carefully crafting species-specific tasks to investigate how animals make use of space and time when solving problems. Dolphins, bats and parrots are suitable candidates for animals that may possess MTT abilities. They have excellent spatial orientation skills and live in fission-fusion societies where they track, cooperate and compete with conspecifics. Having MTT abilities would make it possible for them to e.g., collect memories of foraging and roosting sites across changing seasons and contexts, and in connection with particular conspecifics and heterospecifics. Animals could use such information for their future-oriented decision-making, e.g., of which individuals to join for the next foraging trip. We hypothesize that marine mammals, bats and parrots will exhibit evidence of MTT but on different time scales, depending on their ecology and physiology. We propose to study how our phylogenetically diverse model groups travel mentally through space-time, and to what extent they exchange temporal information with conspecifics to solve naturalistic tasks. We explore all core components of mental time travel: Time perception, episodic memory and future planning. We compare MTT in animals that operate in 3D space, both under water and in air, employing naturalistic, ecologically valid and species-specific tasks. Our goal is to use similar approaches and procedures across our model species, so that we can compare and contrast the cognitive processes that lie at the core of MTT. Discoveries from biological systems are implemented in robotic platforms that permit systematic manipulation of independent variables and hypothesis testing of MTT mechanisms. Results from robotic experiments will be used to further refine animal experiments.


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  • Research Project

Echo-acoustic signalling of aposematic and cryptic insects – A bat inspired modelling approach (EchoBug). 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2024


In the arms race between prey and predators, diverse anti-predator defence mechanisms evolved. To avoid predation, many insects developed camouflage (crypsis) or chemicals that render them distasteful or toxic. To warn of their unpalatability, many insects evolved striking warning colours or patterns (aposematism). Insects comprise most of the diet of bats. Some of these nocturnal predators glean resting, silent, motionless diurnal insects from the vegetation. Instead of using vision during foraging, they produce ultrasonic calls and detect their prey through echolocation. Here, I want to research whether visually cryptic or aposematic insects also have cryptic or aposematic acoustic reflection properties, to hide from or signal their unpalatability to echolocating bats. I will use bio-inspired sensor systems to acquire echo-acoustic sonar recordings of selected insect species and conduct behavioural prey-detection and -capture experiments using live bats to explore the prevailing acoustic predator-prey interactions. Based on these experiments, I will apply neural network algorithms for classifying and analysing the distinguishing features in different insect echoes. This approach will allow an in-depth investigation of the underlying acoustic mechanisms of the interaction between prey and predators and will inform and inspire biomimetic applications for detecting and identifying objects by sonar. Further, the project will lead to synergism between the research fields of biology and engineering in the study of animal interactions and bio-inspired robotics.


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  • Research Project

Personalization of the 3D audio experience 01/10/2019 - 30/09/2021


3D-audio makes it appear as if sounds come from outside of your head, even better the sounds can come from everywhere: from above or below, from the front of the back. 3D-audio really immerses you into a soundscape: you become part of it, thereby improving the experience significantly. However, for the last couple of years the audio-visual sector has been struggling with a specific problem that stands in the way of the broad application of 3D-audio delivered through headphones: the sound processing involved has to be personalized. Recently, we developed at the UA a low-cost method to measure the Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) that allows such personalization. The main goal of this project is to turn the lab-version of this HRTF measurement method into a more robust and user-friendly method that can be applied outside the laboratory and for which we can prove the effectivity/usefulness to third parties using custom-built demonstrator applications. This will allow us to fulfill the prerequisites for commercializing our HRTF measurement technology through a spin-off.


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The information content of dynamic cues in human sound localization. 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2022


Understanding the workings of human sound localization, and in particular which acoustic cues we use to perceive our acoustic environment in three dimensions (3D), is not only of fundamental interest, but has become increasingly relevant in the light of nowadays advance of 3D audio displays through headphones. In the past, most research has focused on the role of static cues , i.e. when the head and source are stationary, yet it is known that localization is greatly improved if listeners are allowed to move their head during stimulus presentation. In this project, we investigate the role of dynamic cues provided by small movements of the head or source, within an information- theoretic framework. We use a proven ideal-observer model for static human sound localization and extend it to account for the dynamic acoustic cues involved. First, we study what head movements carry the most information and how this depends on the location of the source. Next, we consider the mirror situation and investigate how much information can be conveyed through small movements of the source. Finally, we study the effects on sound localization when actual head movements are not taken into account correctly, which is the case if a 3D audio display is provided through ordinary headphones. The predictions from the theoretical analysis are validated with psycho-acoustic experiments.


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  • Research Project

3D audio personalization for virtual reality applications. 01/07/2018 - 30/06/2019


Our previous research resulted in a low-cost and user-friendly do-it-yourself method that allows a user to measure their Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF) at home. While it is recognized that personalized 3D audio can add significant value to VR applications in a Business to Business environment, e.g. VR safety training, it appears that in addition to an efficient way of personalizing 3D audio, i.e. an HRTF measurement, two more elements are missing. First, the user having to assemble him/herself the measurement system from a number of commercially available components is perceived as a major obstacle. Second, the absence of standard software allowing effective use of personalized 3D audio acts as a significant impediment to its exploitation in applications. In this project we propose to remove these two obstacles to the use of personalized 3D audio in such Business to Business applications. The first obstacle will be addressed by developing a hardware module capable of capturing and transmitting both head movements and binaural microphone signals to a smartphone/laptop. In addition, we will extend Unity, a development platform widely used in the VR and game world, with a 3D audio module. This software module will allow application-developers to include personalized 3D audio in a standardized way in their products. Users of 2 these products can then upload their measured HRTF and experience the advantages of personalized 3D audio.


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  • Research Project

Low-cost head-related transfer function personalization to enable 3D audio for the masses. 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2017


In this project we develop a new method for a person to individualize his/her head-related transfer function, a prerequisite for creating a realistic 3D audio environment through headphones. The method makes use of a smartphone and a few extra low-cost items, and can be carried out at home, by the user herself. The lack of experimental control is compensated for by complex post-processing of the measurement data. The method aims at opening up 3D audio technology for the masses.


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  • Research Project

Next generation of heterogeneous sensor networks (NEXOR). 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2020


This project represents a research contract awarded by the University of Antwerp. The supervisor provides the Antwerp University research mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions stipulated by the university.


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  • Research Project

Deriving sampling and memory strategies for 3D sonar systems to support electric wheelchair users 01/12/2014 - 30/11/2015


This project represents a research agreement between the UA and on the onther hand IWT. UA provides IWT research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


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  • Research Project

Environmental perception using sonar with applications in mobile robotics and electric wheelchairs. 01/03/2013 - 31/05/2014


Advanced Sonar sensing provides an accurate and low-cost sensing modality for environment perception. By using a powerful emitter and an array of receivers, 3D perception of the environment can be achieved combining a large field of view (full frontal hemisphere). Two applications of the sensor in the fields of electric wheelchairs and robotics are developed.


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  • Research Project

Navigation by sonar in bats and robots. 01/10/2012 - 30/09/2015


This project aims at immersing an artificial echolocator, the Chirocopter, i.e. an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with a sonar emission and recording apparatus, in real environments, re-enacting the behaviour recorded from freely behaving bats. As such, this project is the first to collect an ecologically valid set of sonar stimuli (echoes) as perceived by flying bats. In particular, the dataset collected using the Chirocopter allows testing the hypothesis that a statistical representation of the environment underlies the navigation abilities of bats. The applicant argues that putting a researcher in the bats' cockpit and fly along, will lead to similar advances as have been booked in studies that mapped out the stimulus sets for non-echolocating animals. Besides directly addressing a long-standing biological question, the project will also result in a sonar based control algorithm that can be used for outdoor navigation by flying robots. Indeed, the current project will strengthen the research into sonar based navigation for robotic applications at the Active Perception Lab (i.e. the host lab).


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  • Research Project

A numerical evaluation of the interplay between the aerodynamics and acoustics of bat morphology. 01/01/2011 - 31/12/2013


Bats have large external ears. Being flying animals, this is rather unique as birds do not have these appendages. Evolution must have altered the morphology of the bat's pinnae to find a suitable trade-off between better hearing (needing larger ears) and agile flight (needing smaller ears). In this project, we want to investigate, by using computational techniques, how evolution has reconciled conflicting requirements in bats from different ecological backgrounds. Also, the aerodynamic effects of substructures of the bat's morphology that have only been evaluated in terms of the their acoustic role (the noseleaf and the tragus) will be investigated.


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  • Research Project

RECAP: Reservoir Computing for Auditory Pattern Recognition. 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2012


The aim of this project is to carry out fundamental research into the possibilities and difficulties of applying RC to some challenging auditory pattern recognition applications such as spatial environment recognition from a multi-channel active or passive sonar signal and continuous speech recognition in background noise.


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  • Research Project

Acoustic sensors for distance measurement. 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2010


This project investigates the application of acoustic sensors for distance measurement in robotics. The motion of the robot approaching a surface is guarded by the sensor. The sensors will be tested while cleaning the surface of artworks and exterior walls.


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  • Research Project

ChiRoPing - Developing Versatile and Robust Perception using Sonar Systems that Ingegrate Active Sensing, Morphology and Behaviour. 01/02/2008 - 31/03/2011


Versatile and robust systems able to respond sensibly to challenges not precisely specified in their design depend on (amongst other competences) effective perception systems able to function in complex and variable conditions. The principal objective of the proposed project is to discover how to engineer such systems, specifically embodied active sonar perception systems which can serve as a complement to vision and facilitate the deployment of robotic systems in situations where vision is infeasible. For understanding the implementation of sonar systems able to function in demanding and open-ended environments, the Chiroptera (bats) are an obvious source of ideas. Their astounding diversity of diet and habitat attests to their success in integrating morphological, acoustic and behavioural parameters to enable robust and versatile hunting behaviours --- the bat equivalent of tangible object handling. The project will implement and evaluate two demonstration systems built as biomimetic models of an insect gleaning and a water-trawling bat species respectively. It will use a classic biomimetic methodology, involving close collaboration between bat ethologists and roboticists. It will proceed by identifying and measuring the relevant acoustic and morphological parameters of a few carefully selected bat species, reconstructing from that the bat's acoustic experience as it flies through natural hunting tasks. From this data, computational models of how the bat coordinates its acoustic, behavioural and morphological choices during hunting will be elicited and implemented on appropriate robotic systems. The robustness, versatility and generality of these implemented models will be evaluated from an engineering standpoint as example embodied active sonar perception systems, using tasks analogous to the hunting tasks of their living prototypes; evaluation from a biological standpoint will also be carried out.


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Towards a biologically inspired navigation theory for SLAM. 01/10/2006 - 30/09/2010


This project will focus on the development of a navigation-theory inspired by the navigation behaviour of bats. This theory will be aimed at making possible the construction and use of topologic i.e., 'landmark'-based, environment maps. Both sonar and vision sensors will provide the input for the observation of the environment and the movement through this environment.


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  • Research Project

The efficiency of OFDM modulation for digital acoustical underwater communication systems. 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2007


In this project the usability of OFDM modulation for digital acoustical underwater communication will be investigated. In addition, spectral noise characteristics will be determined, as these will enable us to specify a number of system parameters of the OFDM communications system.


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Project type(s)

  • Research Project

CILIA - Customized intelligent life-inspired arrays. 01/09/2005 - 28/02/2010


The ClLIA project will explore the use of arrays of hairs in three sensing scenarios: in air, in water, and in a fluid-filled compartment coupled to air through impedance matching devices and beam- forming baffles. For each scenario, adaptations across phylogeny and ontogeny will be studied. The twofold principal objeclive of the ClLIA project is to identify the common principles underlying the widespread use in nature of arrays of mechanical sensory cells for the extraction of meaning under adverse conditions and to make those principles available for design of engineered systems. It is generally believed that organisms and their environments form tightly coupled interacling systems in which all components -environmental characteristics and dynamics, sensory and physical morphology, peripheral and central neural processing and behavioural pa!lems- play a significant role in the extraction of meaning from experience. Furthermore, knowledge of the transformations and processes performed by peripheral systems is essential for true understanding of the organisation and operation of central neuronal processing, since peripheral systems provide the input to centraiones. The knowledge gained wil! clarify the tasks to be addressed by central system mod- els and wil! allow for the design of more powerful integrated mode's of central and peripheral processing.


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European Robotics Network (EURON). 01/06/2005 - 01/06/2008



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Geometrical aspects in industrial vision applications. 01/02/2004 - 31/12/2005


In many industrial vision settings one makes use of an image sequence. These multiple view systems give rise to specific questions on: -the required geometric calibration in order to perform measurements . -corresponding points/line segments/regions , -the relative camera motion between successive views , -the 3D-reconstruction of objects , The literature on computer vision offers an extensive treatment of these topics, however often formulated in advanced algebraic and geometric terms. It is our goal to translate the theory into ad hoc algorithms, directly applicable to a given industrial environment.


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  • Research Project

Chiroptera-Inspired Robotic Cephaloid: a Novel Tool for Experiments in Synthetic Biology (CIRCE) 01/05/2002 - 30/04/2005


The goal of this project is to reproduce, at a functional lever, the echolocation system of bats by constructing a bionic bat head that can then be used to systematically investigate how the world is not just perceived but actively explored by bats. This bionic bat head must be of similar size to a real bat head to reproduce the relevant physics and consist of an emission/reception system capable of generating/processing bat vocalisations in real-time, a multi-degree of freedom mechanical system to allow realistic pinnae movement and shape control. Constructing the bionic head itself is one objective but a second objective is to gain more insight into neural sensory-data encoding from using the head in echolocation tasks routinely executed by bats.


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  • Research Project

01/10/2000 - 30/09/2002



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    • Research Project

    01/10/2000 - 30/09/2002



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      • Research Project