The impact of different recovery positions on the perfusion of the lower forearm and comfort : a cross-over randomized controlled trial

Resuscitation plus - ISSN 2666-5204-19 (2024) p. 1-7

The European/International Fibromuscular Dysplasia Registry and Initiative (FEIRI) : clinical phenotypes and their predictors based on a cohort of one thousand patients

Cardiovascular research - ISSN 1755-3245-117:3 (2021) p. 950-959
    Marco Pappaccogli, Silvia Di Monaco, Ewa Warchoł-Celińska, Aurélien Lorthioir, Laurence Amar, Lucas S. Aparicio, Christophe Beauloye, Rosa Maria Bruno, Patrick Chenu, Peter de Leeuw, Tine De Backer, Philippe Delmotte, Zivka Dika, Daniel Gordin, Hilde Heuten, Yoshio Iwashima, Jean-Marie Krzesinski, Abraham A. Kroon, Lucia Mazzolai, Esteban Poch, Pantelis Sarafidis, Christophe Seinturier, Wilko Spiering, Laurent Toubiana, Patricia Van der Niepen, Daan van Twist, Adriana Visonà, Jean-Claude Wautrecht, Helena Witowicz, Jianzhong Xu, Aleksander Prejbisz, Andrzej Januszewicz, Michel Azizi, Alexandre Persu, Laetitia Yperzeele, Thijs van der Zijden