Imane Kostet

Imane Kostet


Sint-Jacobstraat 2
2000 Antwerpen, BEL
Imane Kostet is a FWO postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp. Her current research examines ethnic and racial disparities in the identification and diagnosis of autism. She primarily employs cultural sociological and micro-sociological approaches in her work. Before beginning her FWO postdoc, Imane was a Fulbright postdoc fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, and a FWO PhD fellow at the University of Antwerp. She completed her PhD in 2022, where she explored how children negotiate ethnic and social class boundaries.


Statute & functions

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • guest professor

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • postdoc researcher FWO

Internal mandates

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