Green space at school and attention in primary school children in Belgium : a stratified matched case-control study

Urban forestry & urban greening - ISSN 1618-8667-105 (2025) p. 1-10
    Raf Aerts, Hans Van Calster, Melike Ozen, Rafiqa Benchrih, Sophie Heyman, Edith Swerts, Arlien Wuyts, Liesa Lammens, Els Lommelen, Michael Leone, Saskia Wanner, Harmony Brulein, Antoine Groslambert, Linda Vanmeersche, Marie Legein, Wenke Smets, Irina Spacova, Eva M. De Clercq, Sarah Lebeer, Anna Leonard, Sophie O. Vanwambeke, Hans Keune

Factors influencing noise annoyance across various transportation modes : lessons from the citizen science project "De Oorzaak"

Internoise : 53rd International Congress & Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 25-29 August 2024, Nantes, France- (2024) p.