Conference papers


Van Gauwbergen, Y., Robert, I.S., & Schrijver, I. (2022, February 11). When accessibility meets multimedia learning: Effect of intralingual live subtitling on perception, performance and cognitive load in an EMI university lecture [Paper presentation].  Unlimited!3 - Innovation for Access - New iteractions, University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Robert, I.S., Schrijver, I., & Ureel, J.J.J. (2022, March 18). Comparing L2 translation, translation revision, and post-editing competences in translation trainees: A pilot study into Dutch–French translation [Paper presentation]. (Re)profiling Translation Pedagogy: Translators, Interpreters and Educators. 2rd CTER Congress (online), Poland.

Diels, E., Ureel, J. J. J., Robert, S. I., & Strobl, C. (2022, March 19–22). The effects of corpus-focused instruction on stylistic revision competence in L1 Dutch–L2 English translation [paper presentation]. AAAL, USA.

Van Gauwbergen, Y., Robert, I.S., & Schrijver, I. (2022, May 13). When accessibility meets multimedia learning: Effect of intralingual live subtitling on perception, performance and cognitive load in an EMI university lecture [Paper presentation]. NITS 2022. University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Van Gauwbergen, Y., Robert, I.S., & Schrijver, I. (2022, June 24). When accessibility meets multimedia learning: Effect of intralingual live subtitling on perception, performance and cognitive load in an EMI university lecture [Paper presented]. 10th EST Congress: Advancing Translation Studies, Oslo, Norway.

Van Hoecke, S., Schrijver, I., & Robert, I.S. (2022, June 24). The effects of subtitles on the comprehension of different types of EMI lectures [Paper presented]. 10th EST Congress: Advancing Translation Studies, Oslo, Norway.

Diels, E., Ureel, J.J.J., Strobl, C. & Robert, I.S. (2022, July 4-6). Introducing corpora as CAT-tools to translation trainees: A mixed-methods study into the effects of corpus-focused instruction into the development of stylistic translation revision [Paper presentation]. New Trends in Translation Technology (NeTTT), Rhodes, Greece.

Diels, E., Ureel, J. J. J., Robert, I. S., & Strobl, C. (2022, September)The effects of corpus-focused instruction on translation trainees’ development of stylistic translation revision competence: A mixed-methods longitudinal study [Paper presentation]. American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL), Flagstaff, AZ, United States.

Diels, E., Ureel, J. J. J., Robert, I. S., & Strobl, C. (2022, September 22–23). Using corpus-focused instruction in translation (revision) training to develop stylistic translation revision competence: A mixed-methods study [Paper presentation]. Translation in Transition 6, Prague, Czech Republic.

Van Gauwbergen, Y., Robert, I.S., & Schrijver, I. (2022, November 8). Effect of intralingual live subtitling on perception, performance and cognitive load in EMI university lectures. [Paper presented]. Languages & The Media: 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media. Radisson Collection Hotel, Berlin, Germany.


Robert, I.S., Ureel, J.J.J., & Schrijver, I. (2021, April 8-9). Les compétences en traduction, en révision et en post-édition des futurs traducteurs sont-elles liées ? Une étude pilote. [Paper presentation]. AFFUMT2021: « Former aux métiers de la traduction aujourd’hui et demain ». Université Grenoble Alpes.

The relation between subtitle reading, cognitive load and comprehension in EMI lecture. Paper by Senne M. Van Hoecke, Iris Schrijver and Isabelle R. Robert. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MEDIA FOR ALL 9. Sketching tomorrow's mediascape. Bacelona, Spain, 27-29th January 2021. Online.

Live subtitling for access to education: A pilot study of university students’ reception of intralingual live subtitles. Paper by Amaury De Meulder, Isabelle Robert and Iris Schrijver. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MEDIA FOR ALL 9. Sketching tomorrow's mediascape. Bacelona, Spain, 27-29th January 2021. Online.


Mapping the New ILSA Course. ILSA – Interlingual Live Subtitling for Access Online Multiplier Event – The Present and Future of ILSA - University of Antwerp, Belgium. 6th July 2020.

Live subtitling for access to education: a pilot study of university students' reception of intralingual live subtitles. Amaury De Meulder, Isabelle Robert, Iris Schrijver. 3rd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication - Online. 29th June - 4th July 2020.


Investigating the effects of instruction on the acquisition of L2 sociolinguistic competence: A longitudinal study into translation trainees' receptive and productive sensitivity to grammatical (in)formality in EFL. By Ureel, Diels, Robert and Schrijver. 4th Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation (ExAPP2019), University of Münster, Münster, Germany. 26-28th September 2019.

The development of sociolinguistic competence in future translators: A longitudinal study into the acquisition of receptive and productive sensitivity to grammatical formality in L2 English. By Ureel, J. J. J., Diels, E., Robert, I. S., & Schrijver, I. 'Resources and Tools for T&I Education: Research studies, teaching concepts, best-practice results/Ressourcen und Instrumente der translationsrelevanten Hochschuldidaktik: Forschungsberichte, Lehrkonzepte und Best-Practice-Modelle', Graz University, Graz, Austria. 20-21th September 2019

Training interlingual live subtitlers: development of a new competence profile and course structure. Isabelle Robert, Iris Schrijver and Ella Diels. EST Congress 2019. Living translation, Stellenbosch (South Africa), 9-12th September 2019.

Towards an encompassing, adaptable and future-oriented TS framework: some methodological explorations. Nina Reviers, Iris Schrijver and Isabelle Robert. EST Congress 2019. Living translation, Stellenbosch (South Africa), 9-12th September 2019.

Training in interlingual live subtitling from different perspectives. Trainers, trainees and employers’ perception (A survey study) (together with Ella Diels and Iris Schrijver). 8th Media for All International Conference, Stockholm, 17-19 June 2019.

Training in interlingual live subtitling from different perspectives: trainers and employers’ perceptions. A survey study. Paper presented together with Iris Schrijver at the ILSA Erasmus+ project Multiplier Event, Vienna, 21 February 2019.


Emotions as drivers for choosing L2 majors in higher education. Presented together with Dr Jimmy Ureel at What a Feeling! Language Education and Emotions. Third International Conference on Language Education and Testing, 26-28th November 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.

Panel presentation: Interlingual Live Subtitling: the Erasmus+ ILSA project. Languages & The Media 2018. 12th International Conference on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media, 3-5th October, Berlin, Germany

Live subtitlers: who are they? Paper together with Aline Remael, 6th International Symposium on Accessibiity and live respeaking, Civica Scuola Interpreti e Traduttori "Altiero Spinelli", September 2018, Milan, Italy


Assessing quality in interlingual live subtitling: a new challenge. Paper together with Aline remael, TIFO 2017: Translation and Interpreting Forum Olomouc Palacký University, Olomouc, 10-11 November 2017

Research and training in translation revision (TR). Paper presented at the "Translating Europe" workshop (DGT, EU), Forli, Italy, 7th April 2017.


Conceptualizing translation revision competence: a pilot study on the tools and research subcompetence and the fairness and tolerance attitudinal component. Paper presented at the 8th EST Congress, Aarhus, Denmark, 15-18th September 2016 (authors: Isabelle S. Robert, Ayla Rigouts Terryn, Jim. J.J. Ureel and Aline Remael).

Live interlingual subtitling at VTM: a first descriptive study. Paper presented together with prof. Aline Remael (University of Antwerp) at the 3rd edition of the Intermedia conference on Audiovisual Translation, Lodz, Poland, 14-16th April 2016.


Towards a model for Translation revision Competence. Paper presented by co-investigator Ayla Rigouts Terryn, under the supervision of prof. dr. Isabelle Robert (prof. dr. Aline Remael and prof. dr. Jimmy Ureel as co-supervisors) at theTranslating Europe Forum (DGT). Brussels, 29-30th October 2015.

Towards a model for Translation revision Competence. Paper presented by co-investigator Ayla Rigouts Terryn, under the supervision of prof. dr. Isabelle Robert (prof. dr. Aline Remael and prof. dr. Jimmy Ureel as co-supervisors) at the Maastricht Session of the 6th International Maastricht-Lódz Duo Colloquium on "Translation and Meaning". Amsterdam, 21 May 2015.


Should revision trainees think aloud while revising somebody else's translation? Insights from an empirical study with professionals. Paper presented at the Third IATIS Regional Workshops - Western Balkans. Translator and Interpreter training, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-26 September 2014.

Translation revision process of translation revision trainees: a pilot study. Paper presented at at the Second International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation, Barcelona, 8-9 July 2014

De verantwoording van revisie: de revisor en zijn revisiecompetentie. Paper presented at the Platform Vertalen & Vertaalwetenschap. De verantwoording van een vertaling - de vertaler en zijn paratekst. Amserdam, 27 June 2014.

Quality control in the subtitling industry: an exploratory study. Paper presented together with prof. Aline Remael at the 5th Media for All Conference, Dubrovnik, 25-27 September 2013.


Translation revision: revision procedures and their impact on revision product and process. Or, to revise a translation, yes, but how? Lecture presented at the Council of the European Union. Brussels, Belgium, 23 October 2012.

Impact of translation revision procedures on revision product and process. Poster presented at the EST Symposium “Same Place, Different Times”. Vienna, Austria, 27-28 September 2012.

Which revision procedure for translation revision learners. An exploratory study. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation, Barcelona, 21-22 June 2012

Les procédures de révision. Faire le bon choix. Keynote speaker at the New Year event of the Belgian Chamber of Translators, Interpreters and Philologists. Brussels, 27 January 2012.


Le bon sens en révision ? Procéder avec bon sens ! Paper presented at the 1st T&R Forum (Theories and realities in Translation and Writing). Brest, France, 16-17 December 2011.

Investigating the problem-solving strategies of revisers through triangulating tracks : first results. Paper presented at the Text-Process-Text Congress. Stockholm, Sweden, 17-19 November 2011.

TAP and Inputlog: match made in heaven? Paper presented together with Iris Schrijver, at the 2011 Writing Process Research Summerschool: Keystroke logging & Eyetracking. Antwerp, Belgium, 7-9 September 2011.

Réviser une traduction sans le texte source : fonctionnel mais déloyal. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Congress of the Canadian Association of Translation Studies. Fredericton, Canada, 1-3 June 2011.

Speaker at the Round Table about revision at the 24th Annual Congress of the Canadian Association of Translation Studies. Fredericton, Canada, 1-3 June 2011.

Investigating the revision product and process through triangulating tracks: first results. Paper presented at the 6th EST Congress. Leuven, Belgium, 24 September 2010.


Impact du choix de la procédure de révision sur le produit et le processus de révision. Paper presented at the Doctoriales of the AFFUMT (association française des formations universitaires aux métiers de la traduction). Grenoble, France, 30 April 2010.

Hoe kijk je het best een vertaling na? Paper presented at the AUHA research day "Onderzoek doen! Toon je kwaliteit”. Antwerp, Belgium, 4 March 2010.


Impact de la procédure de revision sur le produit et processus de révision. Paper presented at the PhD Students Day, Artesis University College. Antwerp, Belgium, 3 July 2008.

Other research projects


Updated April 2021


Onderwerpen voor bachelorscripties en masterproeven 2024-2025



Replicatieonderzoek -->"Sustainability and Influence of Machine Translation: Perceptions and Attitudes of Translation Instructors and Learners in Hong Kong" -->

1. Evolution de la compétence de traduction à vue (TAV) néerlandais-français chez les étudiants flamands de BA3 en Linguistiques appliquée

  • Question de recherche: Comment la compétence en TAV évolue-t-elle au fur et à mesure du semestre? Les étudiants commettent-ils les mêmes erreurs?

  • Méthodologie: analyse de TAV enregistrées au format audio (anonymisées). Les fichiers sont disponibles. La collecte de données ne doit donc plus avoir lieu !

  • La quantité de données disponibles est très élevée. Par conséquent, ce sujet peut être choisi par plusieurs étudiants.

  • Concrètement, il s'agira de restranscrire les TAV et d'identifier les erreurs, selon une grille que je vous fournirai. Ensuite, il s'agira d'observer l'évolution des erreurs commises, tant au point de vue de leur fréquence que de leur type.

 2. Literatuurstudies over volgende thema’s (in het Nederlands, Frans of Engels, behalve voor de onderwerpen over FLE)

  • Experimenteel onderzoek in intralinguaal live ondertitelen

  • Eyetracking in vertaalprocesonderzoek

  • Eyetracking in AVT

  • Eyetracking in education research
  • Disfluency markers in interpreting studies
  • Corpusonderzoek in de vertaalwetenschap

  • Persoonlijkheidstesten in de vertaalwetenschap
  • Ergonomy and pleasure in procesonderzoek (vertaalwetenschap)
  • Rédaction des textes professionnels en français langue étrangère (FLE)
  • Rédaction des textes académiques en français langue étrangère (FLE)
  • Rédaction des textes argumentatifs en français langue étrangère (FLE)
  • Rédaction des synthèses de texte en français langue étrangère (FLE)

3. Diverse onderwerpen (in het Nederlands, Frans of Engels)

  • Etude bibliométrique sur la post-édition --> zie --> 2019-2023
  • Etude bibliométrique sur la révision
  • Etude bibliométrique sur l'interprétation consécutive
  • Etude bibliométrique sur l'interprétation de dialogue


1. Scripties in het kader van het project "Multimodal input & cognition: An experimental study into the effect of text in Simultaneous Interpreting" --> Zie details hier: --> bv. analyse van EVS (ear-voice-span) --> data beschikbaar

2. Vertaalcompetentie, revisiecompetentie en post-editingcompetentie

Sommige onderwerpen bij de bachelorproeven kunnen ook voor een masterproef, mits uitbreiding