Research team
Illustrated atlas of the tapir: a state-of-the-art comparative dissection, quantifying the functional morphology in an enigmatic ungulate.
Illustrated anatomy texts are an invaluable resource for biologists, veterinarians, and palaeontologists, all of whom share a need for detailed descriptions and visualisations of organisms. While there is extensive information and illustration of a many domestic and economically important species, there are notable gaps in our understanding of large mammals, many of which represent increasingly rare keystone species and ecosystem stewards. One notable group of large mammals which has received very little comparative investigation and anatomical description is the tapir - an elusive, rainforest relative of rhinoceroses and horses. In this project, the PI will conduct a state-of-the-art digitisation, using high-quality 3D scanning approaches (magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography). In addition, a quantitative analysis of the head and limbs of tapirs will be performed via meticulous gross dissection. Research objectives within this project will include (1) the isolation and description of vascular and nervous systems within the limbs of tapir species; (2) quantifying the scaling relationship of the musculoskeletal system through tapir ontogeny; and (3) a comparative assessment of the feeding anatomy and bite-force estimation of tapir species. Finally, (4) illustrations will be made of the cranial and limb anatomy of several tapir species, providing an eye-catching reference for veterinarians, conservationists, palaeontologists, and laypersons alike. On completion, this BOF-KP will represent the inception of an "Illustrated Atlas of Tapir Anatomy", providing highly detailed reference images alongside cutting-edge research questions to cast a light on an overlooked and poorly understood group of large mammals.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Maclaren Jamie
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Belgian Alliance for Biomechanics.
The Belgian Alliance for Biomechanics (BAB) originates from the fundamental belief that the science of biomechanics provides a profound contribution to form-function insight, healthcare, performance, and quality of life. The field of biomechanics is a domain of confluence of several disciplines, from engineering to medicine and sports, such as mechanics, anatomy, physiology, orthopedics, organ system, ergonomics and others. The current consortium defines the term 'biomechanics' as the interdisciplinary science that applies principles of mechanics to understand-alter-improve the movement, the structure, and function of biological systems. It encompasses the study of the forces acting on and generated within a body or various body parts, ranging from the microscopic scale of cells and molecules to the macroscopic scale of limbs and whole organisms. In general, the discipline is divided into three main areas: 1) biomechanics of rigid bodies, 2) biomechanics of deformable bodies (including biomaterial properties), 3) fluid biomechanics. The mission of the Belgian Alliance for Biomechanics (BAB) is to foster excellence and innovation in the field of biomechanics, especially in Belgium. We aim to unite researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders to advance the understanding and application of biomechanics through collaborative efforts. Over the next five years, the Alliance aims to achieve several scientific targets to improve our understanding of biomechanics and its applications in healthcare. 1. Promoting Research and Development: Encouraging high-quality research and technological advancements in biomechanics to improve human health and performance and trigger scientific breakthrough in this field. 2. Facilitating Collaboration: Creating a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration among academic institutions, healthcare providers, and industry stakeholders to address biomechanical challenges and opportunities. 3. Education and Training: Providing and communicating about educational resources and training opportunities for students, researchers, and professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills in biomechanics. 4. Public Engagement and Outreach: Raising public awareness about the importance of biomechanics in society and its potential to contribute to healthcare, sports, and everyday life. These targets will be pursued through a concrete planning. The network's activities, including workshops, conferences, and collaborative projects, will enhance the visibility and impact of the Belgian biomechanical community on the national and international stage. Through these efforts, the BAB intends to demonstrate its commitment to advancing the field, thus positioning itself as a worthy candidate as a national affiliate society of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB- and as a national chapter of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB- By securing this affiliation, the BAB aims to foster greater collaboration and integration within the national and international biomechanics community. Membership in one or both prestigious organizations would provide the BAB with a platform to contribute to and benefit from global advancements in biomechanics research, education, and application.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Van Wassenbergh Sam
- Co-promoter: Aerts Peter
- Co-promoter: Dewaele Leonard
- Co-promoter: Maclaren Jamie
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
"The 'land-to-water' transition by herbivorous mammals: exploring locomotor functional morphology and performance.
Almost all terrestrial mammals have an innate ability to swim, yet only a few groups have made the transition to be fully aquatic. By contrast, many groups of mammals are considered semiaquatic, spending large amounts of time in water, including several iconic herbivorous taxa (hippos, tapirs, capybara, etc.). The transition from land-to-water in herbivorous mammals has been afforded far less attention than that of carnivores, particularly in the ways their limbs have become adapted to / functional in both terrestrial and aquatic media. The proposed project will use comparative functional anatomy, in-vivo kinematics, and computational fluid dynamics to compare the performance potential of forelimb-propelled locomotion across modern and extinct herbivorous (semi)aquatic mammals. Joint mobility and musculoskeletal anatomy will be characterised for modern species, allowing the construction of realistic forelimb models of extinct fauna. Video-based locomotor kinematics will then be used to inform dynamic simulations of limb motion in extant and extinct taxa, elucidating swimming performance of a wide range of herbivorous species. This study represents the first attempt at dynamic simulation of limb-propelled swimming in non-human tetrapods, providing a new basis for exploring aquatic locomotion in the fossil record, and offering a tool for predicting potential survivability/dispersal for mammals in freshwater/coastal biomes during near-future fluctuations in water distributionResearcher(s)
- Promoter: Van Wassenbergh Sam
- Fellow: Maclaren Jamie
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Investigating the evolution and functional morphology of aquatic locomotor adaptations in extant and extinct semi-aquatic mustelids.
Semi-aquatic mustelids have undergone a secondary transition to adapt to life in an aquatic environment. Locomotion on land and in water happen in a starkly different medium, and thus pose different locomotor requirements. This imposes an important trade-off in semi-aquatic animals. The Mustelidae are a diverse family of mammals which offers the unique opportunity of having species across many niches, including a range of aquatic specialisation; from fully terrestrial species to those specialized to operate in a semi-aquatic or almost fully aquatic niche. This range offers an insight into the trade-offs and evolution of adaptations to a semi-aquatic life. The project will use comparative functional anatomy (muscle architecture based on manual and digital dissection) and video-based locomotor kinematics to build musculoskeletal models. These models will be used to verify, in terms of muscle contraction regimes, how well the musculoskeletal system of these species is 'built' for the two different environments and thus what the functional significance of the morphological adaptations is. Starting from this data and insights of the extant species, we will use inverse modelling to build models of extinct otters to gain insight into their locomotor capabilities and which modes were likely used by these species. These distinct species, from different fossil time periods and ecologies will help elucidate which locomotive capabilities were gained or lost during otter evolution.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Van Wassenbergh Sam
- Co-promoter: Dewaele Leonard
- Co-promoter: Maclaren Jamie
- Fellow: De Ridder Tim
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Exploring the phylogenetic relationships and feeding capabilities of pinnipedimorphs using an integrative palaeobiological approach.
Pinnipedimorphs are semi-aquatic mammals that adapted secondarily to a life in water, allowing them to successfully move and capture prey underwater. The group includes all extinct and extant pinnipeds (e.g. seals, sea-lions, walruses) and stem taxa (e.g. Enaliarctos). Modern pinnipeds are still bound to land, where they rest and reproduce, but they feed almost exclusively underwater. Feeding is regarded as the main driver for their transition from land to water. However, making inferences about organismal evolution presents difficulties with a lack of a robust phylogenetic framework. The main debates about pinnipedimorph phylogeny include the monophyly of Enaliarctos and the relation of mustelid-like taxa (e.g. Puijila) to stem-pinnipedimorphs. In this project I will conduct a careful redescription of basal pinnipeds and perform a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis including all stem-pinnipedimorphs (accepted and contested taxa), later diverging pinnipedimorphs and outgroup taxa (mustelids and ursids). I will then investigate (stem-)pinnipedimorph mandibular morphology and function using geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis to better understand their feeding capabilities through time, using the updated phylogeny as the foundation for morphofunctional comparisons among pinnipedimorphs. This study will provide valuable quantitative information for understanding pinnipedimorph evolution, and will provide fundamental insights into the land-to-water transition.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Van Wassenbergh Sam
- Co-promoter: Dewaele Leonard
- Co-promoter: Maclaren Jamie
- Fellow: Selini Anastasia
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Utilising multi-body static simulations to explore the macroevolutionary landscape of perissodactyl locomotion.
Horses are one of the most recognisable mammals alive today, yet they have undergone dramatic changes throughout their evolution. In particular, the forelimb has changed from an ancestral, four-toed horse to the modern one-toed species we know today. To understand the story of the horse limb, we must look at them with respect to other members of the order Perissodactyla. For example, tapirs are living relatives of horses which retain four toes on their forelimbs, similar to extinct horse ancestors. Tapirs and horses therefore represent two polar forelimb morphologies within perissodactyls, from which an investigation into the transition from four-to-one digit in horses can be launched. Modern horses have lost three of their forelimb digits, leaving them with a single digit; however, extinct three-toed horses occurred alongside one-toed horses for many millions of years. The proposed project will use multi-body modelling to compare functionality of the forelimb toes throughout horse evolution, using detailed muscular inputs from modern species. Static musculoskeletal models for the forelimbs of four-, three- and one-toed perissodactyls will be constructed. Once optimised to minimise the muscular outputs, the models will be tested to see which digits are involved in locomotion. This approach represents a first attempt to simulate extinct horse locomotion using musculoskeletal modelling, enabling the inspection of horse limb evolution across a macroevolutionary landscape.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Aerts Peter
- Fellow: Maclaren Jamie
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Comparative functional and ecological morphology of the perissodactyl limb: insights into the adaptive evolution of the Equidae.
This project will investigate the evolution of limb osteology of perissodactyls (horses, rhinos and tapirs) using geometric morphometrics to gain insights into the comparative limb osteology of this group. Phylogenetic comparative methods will then be applied to the osteological data to investigate the evolution of adaptations to locomotion within the Perissodactyla, with a focus on equids (horses).Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Aerts Peter
- Co-promoter: Nauwelaerts Sandra
- Fellow: Maclaren Jamie
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Comparative functional and ecological morphology of the perissodactyl limb: insights into the adaptive evolution of the Equidae.
This project will investigate the evolution of limb osteology of perissodactyls (horses, rhinos and tapirs) using geometric morphometrics to gain insights into the comparative limb osteology of this group. Phylogenetic comparative methods will then be applied to the osteological data to investigate the evolution of adaptations to locomotion within the Perissodactyla, with a focus on equids (horses).Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Aerts Peter
- Co-promoter: Nauwelaerts Sandra
- Fellow: Maclaren Jamie
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Insights in the evolution of equid limb morphology from biomechanical analyses of locomotion of extant species of Perissodactyli.
The fossil horse sequence is a popular example of a phylogenetic pattern resulting from the evolutionary process. However, the seemingly transitional stages are actually derived from a scattered sampling of horse fossils within the multi-branched horse evolutionary tree. The current hypothesis is that the reduction in the number of digits was necessary for the cursorial lifestyle of today's horses. Lengthening of the distal segments and toe-tip running increased the stride length and thus the speed with which the animal can move. However, to avoid the increase in cost of swinging the heavier limbs, the digital number was reduced. Reinforcement of the middle toe might have also led to an improvement of the stability. The drawback to the reduction lies in loss in versatility and a decreased ability to run on compliant substrates. This project proposes to perform detailed comparative research on horses and their extant relatives. By studying donkeys, zebras, horses and the closely related rhinoceros and tapir, we will detect evolutionary patterns within this group. By studying how the animals move combined with a detailed study of the limb anatomy of the same species, we aim at providing insights in the mechanisms behind the reduction in digital number. The limb movements of the animals will be studied using traditional gait analyses techniques. Video material will be obtained synchronized with ground reaction forces and pressure data under the hooves. This information can be combined with inertial information in a calculation technique called inverse dynamics that will yield the net joint moments and power profiles over time. These profiles can be regarded as indications for motor control patterns. This will allow us to compare motor control patterns between the different species. These gait analysis experiments will be done in collaboration with European zoos. Detailed anatomical descriptions of the joint surfaces and segment proportions will be used to obtain measures for range of motion and joint center locations. These will be compared between species and will create a basis for assessing range of motion in extinct species. These descriptions will be based on 3D scans of osteological samples obtained from museum material. Models of trait evolution will be used to discern how limb skeletal morphology and motor control patterns have evolved in perissodactyls. This work will then form the basis for future work on extinct species of the Perissodactyli.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Aerts Peter
- Co-promoter: Nauwelaerts Sandra
- Fellow: Maclaren Jamie
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project