An institutional and political history of the Zionist movement in Belgium prior to 1940, Part II: Zionist organizations on the national level
Les Cahiers de la Mémoire contemporaine - ISSN 1377-1256-17 (2024-2025) p. 13-50
Yasmina Zian, Un antisémitisme ordinaire. Représentations judéophobes et pratiques policières (1880-1930)
Contemporanea - ISSN 1127-3070-1 (2025) p.
Antwerp's joys : diamonds, Jewish immigrant workers, and labour organization in the interwar period
International review of social history - ISSN 0020-8590- (2025) p. 1-39
Joods verzet in Antwerpen (1940-1944)
Stad in verzet: Antwerpen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog / Wouters, Nico [edit.]; Seberechts, Frank [edit.]-p. 223-254
Lilach Lev Ari, Contemporary Jewish Communities in Three European Cities: Challenges of Integration, Acculturation and Ethnic Identity
Studies in Contemporary Jewry - ISSN 0740-8625-34 (2024) p. 231-232