A reputational perspective on structural reforms : how media reputations are related to the structural reform likelihood of public agencies
Journal of public administration research and theory - ISSN 1053-1858- (2024) p.
Sweeping the social minefield : detecting online opinions and emotions with NLP
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Arts, 2024,xi, 139 p.
Agencies on the parliamentary radar : exploring the relations between media attention and parliamentary attention for public agencies using machine learning methods
Public administration - ISSN 0033-3298-102:3 (2024) p. 1026-1044
The LiLaH Emotion Lexicon of Greek, Kurdish, Turkish, Spanish, Farsi and Chinese
Instituut voor de Nederlandse taal/taalmaterialen, 2023,
The LiLaH Emotion Lexicon of Greek, Kurdish, Turkish, Spanish, Farsi and Chinese
Antwerp, CLiPS Research Center, 2023,