Full bibliography
Jeroen Puttevils
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Beaty, RE, P Seli, and DL Schacter. "Thinking About the Past and Future in Daily Life: An Experience Sampling Study of Individual Differences in Mental Time Travel." Psychological Research (August 20 2018);
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Bernhardt, M, W Blösel, S Brakensiek, and B Scheller, eds. Möglichkeitshorizonte: Zur Pluralität von Zukunftserwartungen und Handlungsoptionen in der Geschichte. 2018;
Bernhardt, M, S Brakensiek, and B Scheller, eds. Ermöglichen und Verhindern : Vom Umgang mit Kontingenz. 2016;
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Brakensiek, S, C Marx, and B Scheller, eds. Wagnisse: Risiken eingehen, Risiken analysieren, von Risiken erzählen. 2017;
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Cameron, E. Enchanted Europe. Superstition, Reason, & Religion, 1250-1750. 2010;
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Greif, A. Institutions and the path to the modern economy: lessons from medieval trade. 2006;
Hartog, F. Regimes of Historicity: Presentism and Experiences of Time. 2015;
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Howell, M. Commerce before capitalism in Europe, 1300-1600. 2010;
Hsia, RP-C. Reform and expansion, 1500-1660. 2007;
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Kallioinen, M. "Medieval merchants' letters in northern Europe: functions and conventions." Scandinavian Journal of History (2018): 1-24;
Koselleck, R. Vergangene Zukunft: Zur Semantik geschichtlicher Zeiten. 1979;
Landwehr, A, ed. Frühe Neue Zeiten. Zeitwissen zwischen Reformation und Revolution. 2012;
Le Goff, J. La naissance du purgatoire. 1981;
Luhmann, N. "The Future Cannot Begin: Temporal Structures in Modern Society." Social Research 43, no. 1 (1976): 130-52;
Matringe, N. "Social capital versus commercial profits: the impact of networks on decision-making in early modern banks." In Decision Making, Confidence and Risk Management in Banks from Early Modernity to the 20th Century, edited by Korinna Schönhärl. 211-34. 2016;
Minois, G. Histoire de l’avenir, des Prophètes à la prospective. 1996;
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Moretti, F. Distant Reading. 2011;
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O'Hara, MD. The history of the future in colonial Mexico. 2018;
Osler, MJ, ed. Rethinking the Scientific Revolution. 2000;
Plantin, C. Correspondance. 1883;
Pollmann, J. Catholic identity and the revolt of the Netherlands, 1520-1635. 2011;
Puttevils, J. Merchants and Trading in the Sixteenth Century: The Golden Age of Antwerp. 2015;
Puttevils, J, and M Deloof. "Marketing and Pricing Risk in Marine Insurance in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp." The Journal of Economic History 77, no. 3 (2017): 796-837;
Schmieder, F, ed. Mittelalterliche Zukunftsgestaltung im Angesicht des Weltendes. 2015; Schmitt, J-C. "Appropriating the future." In Burrow, 3-18. 2000;
Suddendorf, T, and MC Corballis. "The evolution of foresight: What is mental time travel, and is it unique to humans?". Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30, no. 3 (2007): 299-313;
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