If you have trouble getting hold of any of these publications, drop me a line.

June 2024



JvdA "Any and its 'free choice'", Kalbotyra

JvdA & D. Van Olmen & F. Vossen "Negation", The Oxford Guide to the Malayo-Polynesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar. Ed, by A. Adelaar & F. Vossen. Oxford: Oxford University Press,

JvdA & C. Gianollo (eds.) Negative concord: a hundred years on. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

JvdA & C. Gianollo "Negative concord: the first 133 years", Negative concord: a hundred years on. Ed. by JvdA & C. Gianollo. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

JvdA "Negation", International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.

JvdA & D. Van Olmen "Additive negation in Dutch, from synchrony to diachrony, cyclical and non-cyclical", Cyclical change in grammar and discourse. Ed. by M.-B. Mosegaard Hansen & R. Waltereit. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


JvdA, Q.N. Hai, V. Pothipath & S. Siebenhütter “Existential indefinite constructions, in the world and in Mainland Southeast Asia”, Journal of Linguistics 59.881-914. https://www.doi.org/10.1017/S0022226722000196

Krasnoukhova, O., JvdA & S. Norder "Standard negation: the curious case of  South America", Linguistic Typology 27.629-666. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/lingty-2021-0017/html

JvdA "Mixtec negative existential cycles, standard negation and negative indefiniteness", ​Lingua 292.103528.   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2023.103528


JvdA & O. Krasnoukhova "Revisiting postverbal standard negation in the Jê languages", Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 172 http://editora.museu-goeldi.br/humanas_en/index_en.html#

Koss, T., A. De Wit & JvdA "The aspectual meaning of non-aspectual categories", Languages 7.1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7020143

JvdA & S. Koohkan "Extending the typology: negative concord and connective negation in Persian", Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads 2.1-36. ​https://typologyatcrossroads.unibo.it/issue/view/1039 / https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2785-0943/13883

JvdA “Nominal and pronominal negative concord, through the lens of Belizean and Jamaican Creole”, Linguistics 60.505-540. ​https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/ling/60/2/html https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2020-0137

JvdA, O. Krasnoukhova & F. Vossen "Intertwining the negative cycles", The Negative Existential Cycle from a historical-comparative perspective. Ed. by L. Veselinova & A. Hamari. Berlin: Language Science Press, 610-655.




JvdA & O. Krasnoukhova "Guahiboan negation: ascription and existence", Amerindia 43: 1-26.

JvdA “Quirky negative concord: Croatian, Spanish and French ni’s”, Jezikoslovlje 22: 195-22. https://hrcak.srce.hr/en/broj/21087 / https://doi.org/10.29162/jez.2021.5

JvdA & O. Krasnoukhova "How to do words with' things' - multiple grammaticalization from 'thing' in Tupi-Guarani", Italian Journal of Linguistics 33.69-98.

Krasnoukhova, O. JvdA & M. Crevels "Postverbal negation: typology, diachrony, areality", Studies in Language 45. 499-517. https://doi.org/10.1075/sl.00020.int

Jvda, M. Nomachi & O. Krasnoukhova “Connective negation and negative concord in Balto-Slavic”, Studies in Baltic and other Languages. A Festschrift for Axel Holvoet on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Ed. by P. Arkadiev, J. Pakerys, I, Šeškauskienė & V. Žeimantienė. Vilnius: Vilnius University Press, 45-66. ​https://www.journals.vu.lt/open-series/article/view/24483

JvdA "Phasal polarity - warnings from earlier research", The expression of phasal polarity in African languages. Ed. by R. Kramer. Berlin: Mouton, 23-36.


JvdA & O. Krasnoukhova “Negação padrão em chibcha” [Standard negation in Chibchan], LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas, 20, e020005. https://doi.org/10.20396/liames.v20i0.8658401

JvdA & O. Krasnoukhova "The typology of negation", The Oxford Handbook of Negation. Ed. by V. Déprez & M.T. Espinal. Oxford: Oxford University, 91-116.

JvdA & K. Sahoo "Such similatives: a cross-linguistic reconnaissance", Language Sciences 81. 101217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2018.12.002



JvdA &. T. N. De Lisser ''Negative concord in Jamaican", Ampersand 6.

JvdA & O. Krasnoukhova ''Zaparoan negation revisited", Revista brasiliera de Linguística Antropológica 1119-39.

Krasnoukhova, O. & J.vdA "Standard negation in Awa Pit: from synchrony to diachrony", Acta Linguistica Historica 40: 439-472.

Krasnoukhova, O. &  JvdA "Negation in Kulina: a double polarity swap", Journal of Historical Linguistics 9: 208-238.

Sahoo, K. & JvdA "South-Asian similatives: a typological perspective", Lingua 226: 20-36. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2019.05.006)



JvdA & L. Van Alsenoy "More ado about nothing - On the typology of negative indefinites", Pragmatics, truth and underspecification: towards an atlas of meaning. Ed. by K. Turner & L.R. Horn  Leiden: Brill, 107-146.



JvdA & D. Van Olmen "The Germanic languages and areal linguistics", The Cambridge Handbook of Areal Linguistics. Ed. by R. Hickey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 239-269.

JvdA & F. Vossen "Multiple negation in Kiranti: a copula conjecture", Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 40: 40-58.

JvdA "Englishes, English Creoles and their negative indefinites", Negation and contact: with special reference to Singapore English. Ed. by D. Ziegeler & Z. Bao. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 115-149.



A. Patard & JvdA "The French comparative modal constructons faire mieux de, valoir mieux and falloir mieux", Aspects of grammaticalization, (inter)subjectificaton, unidirectionality and analogy. Ed. by D. Van Olmen, H. Cuyckens & L. Ghesquière. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 81-111.

JvdA & E. Coussé "Such and sådan – the same but different". Nordic Journal of English Studies 15: 15-32.

JvdA & I. Genee ) “English ‘do’: on the convergence of languages and linguists”, Electronic reprint of _ & I. Genee (2002), English Language and Linguistics, 20th Anniversary Collection

JvdA & L. Van Alsenoy "On the typology of negative concord", Studies in Language 40: 473-512.

J.Nuyts & JvdA (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood. Oxford: Oxford University Press, xiv + 667 p.

JvdA & A. Zamorano Aguilar "The history of modality and mood", The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood. Ed. by J. Nuyts & JvdA. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 9-27.

D. Van Olmen & JvdA "Modality and mood in Standard Average European", The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood. Ed. by J. Nuyts & JvdA. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 364-382.

JvdA & F. Vossen "Jespersen Cycles in the Mayan, Quechuan and Maipurean languages", Cyclical change continued, Ed. by E. Van Gelderen. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 189-218.

JvdA, L. Veselinova & M. Dočekal "Typologie negace" [On the typology of negation], Czech Language Encyclopedia Online, Ed. by P. Karlík. https://www.czechency.org/slovnik/TYPOLOGIE%20NEGACE


JvdA & Adeline Patard "Le français, la plus germanique des langues romanes?", Faits de langue(s). Ed. by L Brems, R. Möller & L. Rasier. Berlin: Epubli, 9-17.

JvdA & F. Vossen "Negatives between Chamic and Bahnaric", Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 8: 24-38

JvdA & K. Sahoo. "On comparative concepts and descriptive categories, such as they are", Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 47: 136-173.

JvdA "Les indéfinis négatifs dans les langues créoles", Nouveaux cahiers de linguistique française 32: 27-43.

L. Van Alsenoy & JvdA "Indefinite pronouns in Uralic languages", Negation in Uralic languages, Ed. by. M. Miestamo, B. Wagner-Nagy & A. Tamm. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 519-546.

JvdA "Al voor Ad", Addenda: artikelen voor Ad Foolen. Ed. by S. Lestrade, P.J.F. de Swart & L. Hogeweg. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit, 449-452.

JvdA, D. Van Olmen & D. Du Mon "Grammaticalization", The Mouton Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Ed. by E. Dąbrowska & D. Divjak. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 633-649.

D. Noël & JvdA "Recent changes in the frequency of verbal modal expressions in the Hong Kong printed press, in contrast with the British and American ones", Grammatical change in English world wide, Ed. by P. Collins. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 437-464.

JvdA & D. Du Mon "Negation, Linguistics of", International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavorial Sciences. Vol 16. Ed. by J.D. Wright. Oxford: Elsevier, 409-414.



JvdA  "More ado about *nall", Papers dedicated to Jacques Moeschler, Ed. by in J. Blochowiak, C. Grisot, S. Durrleman-Tame, C. Laenzlinger.

D. Van Olmen & JvdA "Over zo'n en zo meer", Patroon en argument. Een dubbelfeestalbum bij het emeritaat van William Van Belle en Joop van der Horst. [Pattern and argument. A double Festschrift for William Van Belle & Joop van der Horst], Ed. by Ed. by F. Van de Velde, H. Smessaert,  F. Van Eynde & S. Verbrugge. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 215-228.

L. Van Alsenoy & JvdA "On the relation between double clausal negation and negative concord", The diachrony of negation, Ed. by. M.-B. Mosegaard-Hansen & J. Visconti. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 13-46.

F. Vossen & JvdA "The Jespersen cycles seen from Austronesian", The diachrony of negation, Ed. by. M.-B. Mosegaard-Hansen & J. Visconti. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 47-83.

D. Noël, B. Van Rooy & JvdA (eds.) Theme issue on "Diachronic approaches to modality in World Englishes", Journal of English Linguistics 42 (1)

D. Noël, B. Van Rooy & JvdA "Diachronic approaches to modality in World Englishes, Introduction to the special issue", Journal of English Linguistics 42: 3-6.

JvdA & P. Gybels "On negation, indefinites, and negative indefinites in Yiddish", Yiddish Language Structures. Ed. by Bj. Hansen & M. Aptrot. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 193-249.



M. Devos & JvdA "Jespersen cycles in Bantu: double and triple negation", Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 34: 205-274.

JvdA (ed.) The semantics of determiners. London: Routledge. [reprint of 1980 book]

JvdA, D. Noël & A. Van linden "Had better, ’d better and better: diachronic and transatlantic variation", English modality: core, periphery and evidentiality. Ed. by J.I. Marín-Arrese, M. Carretero, J. Arús Hita & JvdA Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 119-153.

J.I. Marín-Arrese, J.I., M. Carretero, J. Arús Hita & JvdA (eds.) English modality: core, periphery and evidentiality. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

JvdA "Linguistics, the first fifty years ... and a little more", Linguistics 51 (Jubilee): 1-8.

V. Gast & JvdA "Towards a distributional typology of human impersonal pronouns, based on data from European languages", Languages across Boundaries: Studies in the Memory of Anna Siewierska. Ed. by D. Bakker & M. Haspelmath. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 119-158.

JvdA & L. Van Alsenoy "Mapping the West Germanic any's", Beyond 'ever' and 'any'. Ed. by E. Csipak, R. Eckardt, M. Liu & M. Sailer. Berlin: De Gruyter, 21-45.

JvdA & L. Van Alsenoy "Vers un cube des oppositions", La linguistique de la contradiction. Ed. by J. François, P. Larrivée, D. Legallois & F. Neveu. Bern: P. Lang, 147-158.

JvdA, F. Vossen & M. Devos "Le cycle de Jespersen à trois ou quatre négations", La linguistique de la contradiction. Ed. by J. François, P. Larrivée, D. Legallois & F. Neveu. Bern: P. Lang. 19-30.

V. Gast & JvdA "Scalar additive operators in Transeurasian languages- A comparison with Europe", Shared grammaticalization. A special focus on the Transeurasian languages. Ed. by M. Robbeets & H. Cuyckens. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 113-145.

JvdA "Linguistic Sciences celebrates its 10th anniversary", 语言 科学 [Linguistic Sciences] 12: 7.

JvdA "Semantic maps: for synchrony and diachrony", Synchrony and diachrony: a dynamic interface. Ed. by A. Giacalone Ramat, C. Mauri & P. Molinelli. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 153-176.



JvdA "Wat het Nederlands ons kan leren over de Jespersencyclus" [What Dutch can teach us about the Jespersen Cycle], Nederlandse Taalkunde 17: 403-413, 423-425.

JvdA "Wat het Nederlands ons kan leren over de Jespersencyclus - een repliek" [What Dutch can teach us about the Jespersen Cycle - a reply], Nederlandse Taalkunde 17: 421-422, 423-425.

JvdA, V. Gast & J. Vanderbiesen "Human impersonal pronouns in English, Dutch and German", Leuvense Bijdragen 98: 27-64.

 E. Coussé & JvdA "Human impersonal pronouns in Swedish and Dutch - A contrastive study of man and men", Languages in Contrast 12: 121-138.

JvdA & J. Nuyts (eds.) Grammaticalization and (Inter-)Subjectification. Brussels: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten.

JvdA & G. Diewald "Methods for modalities", Methods in contemporary linguistics. ed by. A. Ender, A. Leemann & B. Wälchli. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 121-142.

T. Stolz, JvdA, H. Otsuka & A. Urdze."Irregularity - glimpses of a ubiquitous phenomenon", Irregularity in Morphology (and Beyond). Ed. by T. Stolz, JvdA, H. Otsuka & A. Urdze. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 7-37.

T. Stolz, JvdA, H. Otsuka & A. Urdze (eds.) Irregularity in Morphology (and Beyond). Berlin: Akademie Verlag.

V. Gast & JvdA "What is contact-induced grammaticalization? Evidence from Mayan and Mixe-Zoquean languages", Grammatical replication and borrowability in language contact. Ed. by Bj.Wiemer, B. Wälchli & Bj. Hansen. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 381-426.

JvdA "From contrastive linguistics to linguistic typology", Languages in Contrast 12: 69-86.

A. Goldberg & JvdA "This is to count as a construction", Folia Linguistica 46: 109-132.

C. Mauri & JvdA "Connectives", The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics. Ed. by. K. Allan & K.M. Jaszczolt. Cambridge: Cambrige University Press, 377-401.

JvdA & L. Van Alsenoy "Indefiniteness maps: problems, prospects and 'retrospects", Usare il presente per spiegare il passato. Teorie linguistiche contemporanee e lingue storiche. Ed. by L. Melazzo. [Rome;) Il Calamo, 13-26.

JvdA, D. Noël & A. De Wit "The diverging need (to)'s of Asian Englishes", Mapping Unity and Diversity World-Wide. Corpus-Based Studies of New Englishes. Ed. by M. Hundt & U. Gut. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 54-75.

JvdA & M. Devos "Irrealis in positive imperatives and prohibitives", Language Sciences 34: 171-183.



JvdA  Review article of H. de Swart, 2010, Expression and interpretation of negation, Language 87: 845-865.

JvdA & L.Van Alsenoy "Indefinite pronouns, synchrony and diachrony - comments on Willis", The evolution of negation: Beyond the Jespersen cycle. Ed. by P. Larrivée & R. Ingham.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 325-346.

B. Kortmann & JvdA (eds.) The Languages and Linguistics of Europe: A Comprehensive Guide. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

JvdA "Standard Average European", The Languages and Linguistics of Europe: A Comprehensive Guide. Ed. by B. Kortmann & JvdA Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 291-306.

V. Gast & JvdA"Scalar additive operators in the languages of Europe", Language 87: 2-54.

H. Narrog & JvdA "Grammaticalization and semantic maps", Handbook of grammaticalization. Ed. by H. Narrog & B. Heine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 318-327.

JvdA & L. Van Alsenoy "Mapping indefiniteness: towards a Neo-Aristotelian approach", Selected Papers from the 19th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Thessaloniki April 2009. Ed by E. Kitis, N. Lavidas, N. Topintzi & T. Tsangalidis. Thessaloniki: Monochromia, 1-14.

JvdA & D. Noël "Raising: Dutch between English and German", Journal of Germanic Linguistics 23: 1-36.

M. Miestamo & JvdA "Negation and perfective vs. imperfective aspect", Chronos 22: 65-84.

JvdA & V. Gast "Categories and prototypes", The Oxford Handbook of Typology. Ed. by J. Song. Oxford: Blackwell, 166-189.

JvdA "In memoriam Anna Siewierska", Folia Linguistica 45: 553-554.



M. Devos, M. Kasombo Tshibanda & JvdA "Jespersen cycles in Kanincin: double, triple and maybe even quadruple negation", Africana Linguistica 16: 155-182.

P. Byloo, J. Nuyts & JvdA "Beter and best", Voor Magda: artikelen voor Magda Devos bij haar afscheid van de Universiteit Gent. Ed.by J. de Caluwe & J. Van Keymeulen. Gent: Academia Press, 93-109.

G. De Vogelaer & JvdA "When typological rara generate rarissima: the analogical extension of verbal agreement in Dutch dialects", Rara & Rarissima: Documenting the fringes of linguistic diversity. Ed. by J. Wohlgemuth & M.Cysouw. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 47-73.

JvdA & A. De Wit "The English comparative modals - a pilot study". Distinctions in English Grammar, Offered to Renaat Declerck. Ed. by B. Cappelle, B. & N. Wada. Tokyo: Kaitakusha, 127-147.

JvdA & F. Brisard Review of K. Hengeveld & J.L. Mackenzie. Functional Discourse Grammar. A typologically-based theory of language structure, Functions of Language 17: 266-275.

A. Vittrant & JvdA "Epistemic modality or how to express likelihood in Burmese", Cahiers de Linguistique — Asie Orientale 39: 41-80.

JvdA "Vers une typologie du prohibitif", La négation et les énoncés non susceptibles d’être niés. Ed. by F. Floricic & R. Lambert-Brétière. Paris : CNRS, 155-172.

JvdA, E. Schalley & G. De Vogelaer. "Analogie und die Verbreitung der verbalen Kongruenz bei Imperativen, Konjunktionen und Antwortpartikeln", Prozesse sprachlicher Verstärkung. Typen formaler Resegmentierung und semantischer Remotivierung. Ed. by R. Harnisch. Berlin: De Gruyter, 269-305.

JvdA "Prohibition: constructions and markers", Contrasting meaning in languages of the East and West. Ed. by D. Shu & K. Turner. Tübingen: Narr, 443-475.

M. Van de Velde & JvdA "Le marqueur de l’allocutif pluriel dans les languages bantu", Essais de Linguistique Générale et de Typologie linguistique offerts à Denis Creissels, ed by. F. Floricic, Paris : Presses de l'École Normale Supérieure, 119-141.

JvdA "On the diachrony of negation", The Expresssion of negation. Ed. by L.R. Horn. Berlin: Mouton, 73-101.

V. Gast & JvdA "Vers une typologie des opérateurs additifs scalaires", Approches de la scalarité. Ed. by P. Hadermann & O. Inkova. Genève: Droz, 285-311.



JvdA & M. Taeymans "The need modals and their polarity", Corpora and Discourse - and Stuff. Papers in Honour of Karin Aijmer. Ed. by R. Bowen, M. Mobärg & S. Ohlander. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, 317-326.

D. Noël & JvdA "Revisiting be supposed to from a diachronic constructionalist perspective", English Studies 90: 599-623.

T. Mortelmans, K. Boye & JvdA "Modals in the Germanic languages", Modals in the languages of Europe, a reference work. Ed. by Bj. Hansen & F. de Haan. Berlin: Mouton, 11-69.

JvdA, P. Kehayov & A. Vittrant "Acquisitive modals", Cross-linguistic semantics of tense, aspect and modality. Ed. by. L. Hogeweg, H. De Hoop & A. Malchukov. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 271-302.

JvdA "Deutsch als eine/die durschschnittseuropäische Sprache", Unsere sprachlichen Nachbarn in Europa. Die Kontaktbeziehungen zwischen Deutsch und seinen Grenznachbarn. Ed. by C. Stolz. Bremen: Brockmeyer, 175-187.

JvdA, A. Malchukov & E. Schalley "Thoughts on (im)perfective imperatives", Form and Function in Language Research. Papers in Honour of Christian Lehmann. Ed. by J. Helmbrecht, Y. Nishina, Y-M. Shin, S. Skopeteas & E. Verhoeven. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 93-106.

JvdA "The Jespersen cycles", Cyclical change. Ed. by E. van Gelderen. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 35-71.

R. Salkie, P. Busuttil & JvdA (eds.) Modality in English. Theory and Description. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

D. Van Olmen, T. Mortelmans & JvdA "Grammaticalization and subjectification of the future. The case of the future in English, Dutch and German", Cognitive approaches to language and linguistic data. Studies in honor of Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk. Ed. by W. Oleksy & P. Stalmaszczyk. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 285-306.



Barbiers, S., JvdA, E. Boef, H. Bennis, G. De Vogelaer & M. van der Ham Syntactische Atlas van de Nederlandse Dialecten, deel II / Syntactic Atlas of the Dutch Dialects, volume II. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

D. Idiatov & JvdA "From nominalizations to questions - Evidence from Tucanoan", Jezikoslovje 9: 35-51.

D. Van Olmen & JvdA "Ne chante pas ou, tout simplement, arrête? Sur la fréquence des constructions prohibitives rétrospectives", Linguista sum: Mélanges offerts à Marc Dominicy à l'occasion de son soixantième anniversaire. Ed. by E. Danblon, M. Khissine, F. Martin, C. Michaux & S. Vogeleer. Paris: L'Harmattan, 225-233.

 JvdA "In defense of classical semantic maps", Theoretical Linguistics 34: 39-46.

JvdA & H. Filip "(Tense), aspect, mood and modality - an imperfect 2008 state of the art report", Unity and diversity of languages. Ed. by P. Van Sterkenburg. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 201-214.

JvdA & K. Boye Review of A. Aikhenvald Evidentiality, Language 84.170-173.

N. Dobrushina, JvdA & V. Goussev. "The Optative", The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Ed. by M. Haspelmath, M. S. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie, Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, chapter 73. Available online at http://wals.info/feature/73. ["Reprint" of 2005 paper]

JvdA & A. Ammann "Situational possibility", "Epistemic possibility","Overlap between epistemic and situational possibility", The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Ed. by M. Haspelmath, M. S. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie, Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, chapters 74, 75 and 76. Available at http://wals.info/feature/74, http://wals.info/feature/75, and http://wals.info/feature/76. ["Reprints" of 2005 papers]

JvdA, N. Dobrushina & V. Goussev "Imperative-Hortative systems", The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Ed. by M. Haspelmath, M. S. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie, Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, chapter 72. Available at http://wals.info/feature/72. ["Reprint" of 2005 paper]

JvdA, L. Lejeune, V. Goussev & P. Umarani "The morphological imperative", "The prohibitive", The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Ed. by M. Haspelmath, M. S. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie, Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, chapters 70 and 71. Available at http://wals.info/feature/70 and http://wals.info/feature/71 ["Reprints" of 2005 papers]



JvdA & J. Nuyts "Cognitive linguistics and typology", Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Ed. by D. Geeraerts & H. Cuyckens. Oxford: Blackwell, 1074-1091.

M. Miestamo & JvdA "Negative declaratives and negative imperatives - similarities and differences", Linguistics festival. May 2006, Bremen. Ed. by A. Ammann. Bremen: Brockmeyer, 59-77.

JvdA "De la linguistique diachronique à la typologie: le prohibitif", Problèmes de sémantique et de syntaxe. Hommage à André Rousseau. Ed. by L. Begioni & C. Muller. Lille : Université Charles-de-Gaulle, 197-202.

L. De Cuypere, JvdA & K. Willems "Double negation and iconicity", Insistent images. Ed. by E. Tobakowska, C, Ljungberg & O. Fischer. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 301-20.

L. Roels, T. Mortelmans & JvdA "Dutch equivalents of the German past conjunctive zou + infiinitive and the modal preterite", Tense, Mood and aspect: theoretical and descriptive issues. Ed. by L. de Saussure, J. Moeschler & G. Puskas. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 177-96.



V. Plungian & JvdA "Towards a typology of discontinuous past marking", Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 59: 317-49.

G. De Vogelaer, M. Devos & JvdA "Voegwoordvervoeging: morfologisch of syntactisch verschijnsel". Taal en Tongval 58: 212-230. 

JvdA "Why languages prefer prohibitives", 外国语 [ Wai guo yu - Journal of Foreign Languages] 161: 2-25.

JvdA "Imperatives", Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 2nd edition. Ed. by K. Brown. Oxford: Elsevier, 5: 565-567.

JvdA, L. De Cuypere & A. Neuckermans "Negative indefinites: A typological and diachronic perspective on a Brabantic construction", Types of variation. Diachronic, dialectal and typological interfaces. Ed. by T. Nevalainen, J. Klemola & M. Laitinen. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 305-19.

JvdA & M. Taeymans "More on the ancestors of need", Corpus Linguistics Studies in Diachronic English. Ed. by M. Rissanen & R. Facchinetti. Bern: Lang, 37-52.

JvdA & C. Temürcü "Semantic maps", Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 2nd edition. Ed. by K. Brown. Oxford: Elsevier, 11: 131-4.



N. Delbecque, JvdA & D. Geeraerts (eds.) Perspectives on variation: sociolinguistic, historical, comparative. Berlin: Mouton.

N. Dobrushina, V. Goussev & JvdA "The Optative", World Atlas of Language Structures. Ed. by M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 298-301.

E. Schalley & JvdA "On synthetic and analytic imperatives in Slavic", Slavica Gandensia 32: 153-81.

JvdA "Prohibitives: why two thirds of the world's languages are unlike Dutch", Proceedings of the Fifteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. December 19-21, 2005. Ed. by P. Dekker & M. Francke. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, ILLC, 25-30.

JvdA & A. Ammann "Epistemic possibility", "Situational possibility", "Overlap between epistemic and situational possibility", World Atlas of Language Structures. Ed. by M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 302-205, 306-309, 310-313.

JvdA & A. Ammann with S. Kindt "Modal polyfunctionality and Standard Average European", Modality. Studies in Form and Function. Ed. by A. Klinge and H. Høeg Müller. London: Equinox, 247-272.

JvdA, N. Dobrushina & V. Goussev "Imperative-Hortative systems", World Atlas of Language Structures. Ed. by M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 294-297.

JvdA & L. Lejeune, with V. Goussev & U. Umarani "The imperative", "The prohibitive", World Atlas of Language Structures. Ed. by M. Haspelmath, M. Dryer, D. Gil & B. Comrie. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 286-289, 290-293.

JvdA & A. Malchukov "A semantic map for depictive adjectivals", Secondary predication and adverbial modification: the typology of depictives. Ed. by E. Schultze-Bernd & N. P. Himmelmann. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 393-421.

JvdA, E. Schalley & J. Nuyts "Epistemic possibility in a Slavonic parallel corpus - a pilot study", Modality in Slavonic Languages, New Perspectives. Ed. by B. Hansen & P. Karlik. München: Sagner, 201-17.



A. Ammann & JvdA "Complementizer-headed main clauses for volitional moods in the languages of South-Eastern Europe: A Balkanism?", Balkan Syntax and Semantics. Ed. by O. Tomić. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 293-314.

G. De Vogelaer, A. Neuckermans, V. Van den Heede, M. Devos & JvdA "De indeling van de Nederlandse dialecten: een syntactisch perspectief", Taeldeman, man van de taal, schatbewaarder van de taal. Ed. by J. De Caluwe, D. De Schutter, M. Devos & J. Van Keymeulen. Gent: Vakgroep Nederlandse Taalkunde Universiteit Gent & Academia Press, 357-373.

Gabas Jr. N. & JvdA "Ideophones in Karo", Language, Culture and Mind. Ed. by M. Achard & S. Kemmer. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 397-413.

D. Idiatov & JvdA "On interrogative pro-verbs", Proceedings of the Workshop on the Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Questions. 16th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information [ESSLLI 16]. Ed. by I. Comorovski & M. Krifka. Nancy: ESSLLI, 17-23.

D. Idiatov & JvdA "Nominalization as a Question Formation in Tucanoan", Proceedings from the Seventh Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, April 30-May 2, 2004. Ed. by L. Harper & C. Jany. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California. [Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics 15], 9-24.

C. Montoliu & JvdA "On Judeo-Spanish Conditionals", Balkan Syntax and Semantics. Ed. by O. Tomić. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 461-474.

JvdA, N. Dobrushina & V. Goussev "A Semantic Map for Imperative-Hortatives", Contrastive Analysis in Language. Identifying Linguistic Units of Comparison. Ed. by D. Willems, B. Defrancq, T. Colleman & D. Noël. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

JvdA, N. Dobrushina & V. Goussev "Semanticheskaja karta imperativa-gortativa" [A semantic map of imperative-hortatives], Tipologicheskie obosnovanija v grammatike. K 70-letiju prof. V. S.Xrakovskogo [Typological foundations of grammar. To the 70th birthday of prof. V. S. Xrakovskij ] Ed. by A. P. Volodin. Moscow: Znak, 36-60.

JvdA & A. Neuckermans "Jespersen’s Cycle and the Interaction of Predicate and Quantifier Negation in Flemish", Typology meets dialectology. Dialect Grammar from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Ed. by Bernd Kortmann.  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 454-478.

JvdA & A. Neuckermans "Een Oost-Vlaamse driedubbele negatie" [An East Flemish triple negation], In: Dialectsyntaxis in bloei. [Dialectsyntax in bloom]. Ed. by S. Barbiers, M. Devos & G. De Schutter. Gent: Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal-en Letterkunde, 143-157.

JvdA & E. Schalley "Ot optativa i kon’junktiva k irrealisu" [From optative and subjunctive to irrealis], Issledovanija po teorii grammatiki. 3: Irrealis i irreal'nost' [Studies in the theory of grammar. 3. Irrealis and irreality]. Ed. by Y. Lander, V. Plungian & A. Y. Urmanchieva. Moscow: Gnosis, 75-87.

JvdA & E. Schalley "From Optative and Subjunctive to Irrealis", Seduction, Community, Speech: a festschrift for Herman Parret. Ed. by F. Brisard. M. Meeuwis & B. Vandenabeele. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 87-96.

JvdA & M. Taeymans "Let's, in English and Dutch", An International Master of Syntax and Semantics. Papers presented to Aimo Seppänen on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Ed. by G. Bergh, J. Herriman & M. Mobärg. Göteborg: University, 239-247.

JvdA & M. Taeymans "On the origin of the modal verb need", Words in their places. A Festschrift for J. Lachlan Mackenzie. Ed. by H. Aertsen, M. Hannay & R. Lyall. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 323-331.



K. Aijmer &  JvdA (eds.) Kalbotyra - Germanų ir romanų studijos [‘Linguistics - Germanic and Romance Studies’] 53: 3.

JvdA "La grammaire de la modalité", Développements récents en grammaire fonctionnelle. Ed. by M. Jadir. Mohammedia: Université Hassan II, 109-120.

JvdA & A. Neuckermans "On no one's typology ", Leuvense Bijdragen 92: 223-228.



Paperback edition of E. König & JvdA (eds.). The Germanic Languages. London: Routledge.

A. Ammann & JvdA "Korean modality: Asymmetries between Possibility and Necessity", Selected Papers from the Twelfth International Conferene on Korean Linguistics. Ed. by H.-D. Ahn & N. Kim. Seoul: Kyungjin Publishing, 43-56.

JvdA & A. Ammann "Volitional convergence around the Mediterranean?", Mediterranean languages. Papers from the MEDTYP workshop, Tirrennia, June 2002. Ed. by P. Ramat & T. Stolz. Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer, 1-12.

JvdA "More thoughts on degrammaticalization", New Reflections on Grammaticalization. Ed. by I. Wischer & G. Diewald. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 19-29.

JvdA & I. Genee "English ‘do’: on the convergence of languages and linguists", English Language and linguistics 6: 283-307.



JvdA & P. Dendale (eds.) Theme issue on ‘Modal verbs in the Germanic and Romance Languages’, Belgian Journal of Linguistics 14.

P. Dendale & JvdA (eds.) Les verbes modaux. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

JvdA "Negating dynamic and deontic modality in Hindi-Urdu and Bangla", Linguistic structure and language dynamics in South Asia. Papers from the proceedings of SALA XVIIII Roundtable. Ed. by A. Abbi, R.S. Gupta & A. Kidwail. Delhi: Motilal Banarasidass, 327-347.

JvdA "On the typology of negative modals", Perspectives on  negation and polarity items. Ed. by J.  Hoeksema, H. Rullmann, V.Sanchez-Valencia & T. van der Wouden. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 23-48.

JvdA & B. Bultinck "On the lexicalization of modals, conjunctions, and quantifiers", Perspectives on semantics, pragmatics, and discourse. Ed. by I. Kenesei & R. M. Harnish.  Amsterdam: Benjamins, 173-186.

JvdA "Modality - domains, layers, and parts of speech", Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 42: 237-247.

JvdA "Negation, Linguistics of", International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Ed. by N. J. Smelser & & P. B. Baltes.  Oxford: Pergamon, 10462-10467.



JvdA & B. Bultinck "Over de infinitief, de lange en de korte" ["On the infinitive, the long one and the short one"], Met taal om de tuin geleid. Een bundel opstellen voor Georges De Schutter ter gelegenheid van zijn pre-emeritaat. Ed. by  S.Gillis, J. Nuyts & J. Taeldeman. Antwerpen: Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, 379-385.



JvdA "Dutch verbal prefixes. Meaning and form, grammaticalization and lexicalization", Boundaries of morphology and syntax. Ed. by L. Mereu. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 121-135.

JvdA "Periphrastic ‘do’: typological prolegomena", Thinking English Grammar. To Honour Xavier Dekeyser, Professor Emeritus. Ed. by G.A.J. Tops, B. Devriendt & S. Geukens  Leuven: Peeters, 457-470.

JvdA "On the semantic and pragmatic polyfunctionality of modal verbs", The semantics/pragmatics interface from different points of view. Ed. by K. Turner. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 50-64.

JvdA "Adverbs and adverbials", Concise Encyclopedia of Grammatical Categories. Ed. by. K. Brown & J. Miller. Oxford: Elsevier, 8-12.

JvdA & D.N.S. Bhat. "Modality and negation in Havyaka Kanada", Indian Linguistics 60: 1-26.



JvdA with D. P. Ó Baoill (ed.). Adverbial constructions in the languages of Europe. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

JvdA & F. Durieux & L. Lejeune (eds.). English as a human language. To honor Louis Goossens. München: LINCOM EUROPA.

JvdA & V. Plungian "Modality’s semantic map", Linguistic Typology 2: 79-124.

JvdA "Defining converbs", Typology of verbal categories: Papers presented to Vladimir Nedjalkov on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Ed. by L. Kulikov & H. Vater. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 273-282.

JvdA "Preface", Adverbial constructions in the languages of Europe. Ed. by JvdA with D. P. Ó Baoill)  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, XIII-XIV.

JvdA"Introduction", Adverbial constructions in the languages of Europe. Ed. by JvdA with D. P. Ó Baoill)  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1-23.

JvdA "Phasal adverbials in the languages of Europe", Adverbial constructions in the languages of Europe. Ed. by JvdA with D. P. Ó Baoill)  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 25-145.

JvdA "Conclusion", Adverbial constructions in the languages of Europe. Ed. by JvdA with D. P. Ó Baoill)  Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 813-832.

JvdA "Revisiting the Balkan and Meso-American linguistic areas", Language Sciences 20: 259-270.

JvdA "Sobre la lexicalización de los modales vs. cuantificadores y conjunciones", Estudios de tipología lingüistica.Ed. by J. de Dios Luque Durán & A. Pamies Bertrán. Granada: Método Ediciones, 179-193.

JvdA "On combining negation and modality", Proceedings XVIième congrès international des linguistes. Ed. by B. Caron. Oxford: Pergamon, Paper No. 0071.

JvdA "Verbal prefixes in Dutch and German", Germanistische Linguistik 141-142: 102-127.



JvdA "Pragmatics in the last quarter century: the case of conditional perfection", Journal of Pragmatics 27: 261-274.

JvdA "Conditional perfection", On conditionals again. Ed. by A. Athanasiadou & R. Dirven [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 143],  Amsterdam: Benjamins, 169-190.

JvdA Cosubordination. Amsterdam: Universiteit. [=Working Papers in Functional Grammar 63]



B. Devriendt, L. Goossens & JvdA (eds.) Complex Structures - A Functionalist Perspective Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

B. Devriendt, L. Goossens & JvdA "Introduction", Complex Structures - A Functionalist Perspective. ed by B. Devriendt, L. Goossens & JvdA. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, IX-XVII.

JvdA "Modality: the three-layered scalar square", Journal of Semantics 13: 181-195.



JvdA "On double definiteness in Dutch, Lebanese Arabic, Swedish, and Danish", Overdetermination. Ed. by F. Plank. [=Eurotyp Working Papers VII.24], Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 113-119.     

JvdA "Les préverbes du néerlandais - une comparaison avec l’allemand", Les Préverbes dans les langues d’Europe. Introduction à l’étude de la préverbation. Ed. by A. Rousseau. Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 77-94.

JvdA Review of Junktion. Eine Dimension der Sprache und ihre Realisierungsformen zwischen Aggregation und Integration, by W. Raible, Kratylos 40"188-189.



E. König & JvdA (eds.) The Germanic Languages. London: Routledge.

E. König & JvdA "Preface", The Germanic Languages. Ed. by E. König & JvdA London: Routledge, IX-XIII.

C. Henriksen & JvdA "The Germanic Languages", Ed. by E. König & JvdA. The Germanic Languages. London: Routledge, 1-18.

N. Jacobs, E. Prince & JvdA "Yiddish", The Germanic Languages. Ed. by E. König & JvdA.  London: Routledge, 388-420.

JvdA "Adverbs and adverbials", Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics. Vol I.  Ed. by R.E. Asher. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 39-43.

JvdA "On the typology of negative position in phasal quantifiers", Linguistica Antverpiensia XXVIII: 113-133.

JvdA Review of Heads in Grammatical Theory, Ed. by G. Corbett, N.M. Fraser & S. McGlashan, Journal of Linguistics 30: 274-277.



JvdA "Les relatives prédicatives du français" [‘The predicative relatives of French’], Subordinations. Ed. by C. Muller & D. Roulland. Rennes: Presses Universitaires, 265-277.

JvdA "‘already’ and ‘still’: beyond duality", Linguistics and philosophy 16.613-653.

JvdA "al en nog in de talen van Europa" [‘already and still in the languages of Europe’], Handelingen, Koninklijke Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij XLVII: 119-140.



M. Kefer & JvdA (eds). Meaning and grammar. Cross-linguistic pespectives. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

M. Kefer & JvdA "Introduction", Meaning and grammar. Cross-linguistic perspectives. Ed. by M. Kefer & JvdA/ Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, V-VI.

JvdA "Free relatives", Layered structure and reference in a functional perspective. Papers from the Functional Grammar conference in Copenhagen 1990. Ed. by M. Fortescue, P. Harder & L. Kristoffersen. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 329-354.

JvdA "Dutch ‘once’ and related issues", Adverbial quantification and other adverbialia. Ed. by J.C. Moreno Cabrera. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 49-55. [=EUROTYP Working Papers V.4]

JvdA, Review of Functional Grammar, by A. Siewierska. Journal of Linguistics 28: 563-565.


JvdA (ed.) Adverbialia. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation. [=EUROTYP Working Papers V.1]

JvdA (ed.). Adverbs and particles of change and continuation. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation. [=EUROTYP Working Papers V.2]

JvdA "Relativized Constituents are Topics", Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists I. Ed. by W. Bahner, J. Schildt & D. Viehweger. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 873-875.

JvdA "Beyond duality", Adverbs and particles of change and continuation. Ed. by JvdA. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 131-159. [=EUROTYP Working Papers  V.2]

JvdA "Yiddish shoyn and related issues", Adverbs and particles of change and continuation. Ed. by JvdA. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 161-171. [=EUROTYP Working Papers V.2]

JvdA, M. Kefer & C. Vetters "On French adverbial conjunctions", Adverbial subordinators in the languages of Europe. Ed. by B. Kortmann. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 69-83. [=EUROTYP Working Papers V.3]

JvdA "Untimely remarks on Yiddish adverbial conjunctions", Adverbial subordinators in the languages of Europe. Ed. by B. Kortmann. Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 85-93. [=EUROTYP Working Papers V.3]



JvdA "Getting ahead with predicational terms, noun predication terms, and dominant participles", Working with Functional Grammar: Descriptive and Computational Applications. Ed. by M. Hannay & E. Vester. Dordrecht: Foris, 115-132.

JvdA & H. Haberland "Topics and clitics in Greek relatives", Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 22: 127-157.

JvdA The position of Dutch complementizers", Issues in Germanic Syntax. Ed. by W. Abraham, W. Kosmeijer & E. Reuland. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 13-32.

E. König & JvdA "Adverbial participles, gerunds, and absolute constructions in the languages of Europe", Toward a Typology of European Languages. Ed. by J. Bechert, G. Bernini & C. Buridant. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 337-355.



M. Kefer & JvdA (eds). Theme issue on ‘Universals of Language’, Belgian Journal of Linguistics 4.

JvdA "Linguistic Pragmatics and its Relevance to the Writing of Grammars", Reference Grammars and Modern Linguistic Theory. Ed. by G. Leitner & G. Graustein. 21-32. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 21-32.

JvdA & J. Daniëls "Pauzes en komma’s bij de Nederlandse relatiefzin" [Pauses and commas in front of Dutch relative clauses", Interface 3: 93-106.

M. Kefer & JvdA ‘Introduction’, Theme issue on ‘Universals of Language’, Belgian Journal of Linguistics 4: 7-8.



JvdA On the position of Dutch complementizers. Amsterdam: Universiteit. [=Working Papers in Functional Grammar 28]

E. König & JvdA "Clause integration in German and Dutch conditional, concessive conditional, and concessive clauses", Clause Linking in Grammar and Discourse. Ed. by J. Haiman & S. Thompson. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 101-133.

JvdA Review of Relatives restrictives et relatives appositives: une opposition »introuvable. by G. Kleiber. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis 66: 650.



JvdA & L. Goossens (eds.) Ins and Outs of the Predication. Dordrecht & Providence RI: Foris.

D. Kučanda & JvdA "Biljeska o što i that" [A note on što and that], Strani jezici (Zagreb) 16: 2-11.

JvdA "Are actives and passives truth-conditionally equivalent?", Proceedings of the ‘87 Debrecen symposium on logic and language. Ed. by I. Ruzsa & A. Szabolcsi. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 9-18.

JvdA "Complementizers as P2 Fillers", Putting One’s Words into Line. On Word Order and Functional Grammar. Ed. by  J. Nuyts & G. De Schutter. Dordrecht & Providence RI: Foris, 61-72.

JvdA & L. Goossens"Preface", Ins and Outs of the Predication. Ed. by JvdA & L. Goossens. Dordrecht & Providence RI: Foris, V-X.

JvdA & H. Haberland "Doubling and resumption in modern Greek", Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki. 27-29 April 1987. A Festschrift for John Chadwick. Thessaloniki: Ekdotikos Oikos Agoon Kyriakidei, 323-334.

JvdA "L’actif et le passif sont-ils vériconditionnellement équivalents?" [Are actives and passives truth-conditionally equivalent?], L’ambiguïté et la paraphrase. Opérations linguistiques, processus cognitifs, traitements automatisés. Actes du colloque de Caen, 9-11 avril 1987. Ed. by C. Fuchs. Caen: Université de Caen - CNRS UA 1234, 271-222.

JvdA Review of Verb Second Phenomena in Germanic Languages. Ed. by H. Haider & M. Prinzhorn. Linguistics 25.785-788



JvdA "The possibilities of may and can", Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries. II. Descriptive, Contrastive and Applied Linguistics. Ed. by D. Kastovsky & A. Swzedek. Berlin, New York & Amsterdam: De Gruyter, 1067-1076.

JvdA "Conditionals and speech acts", On conditionals. Ed. by E. C. Traugott, A. ter Meulen, J. S. Reilly & C. A. Ferguson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 197-214.

JvdA Review article "More on relative clauses" [on Chr. Lehmann’s Der Relativsatz]. Studies in Language 10: 161-176.



JvdA Language and logic. A speculative and condition-theoretic study. Amsterdam & Philadelphia. [Revision of Regaining Speculative Grammar]

JvdA "‘Or’ - a reconnaisance", Linguistics in Belgium 6. Ed. by K. van den Eynde & S. P. Verluyten. Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA), 143-157. [=Antwerp papers in Linguistics, special issue]

JvdA "Background knowledge in logic: pseudo-monadic operators and presupposition", Foregrounding background. Ed. by J. Allwood & E. Hjelmquist. Lund: Doxa, 99-106.

JvdA "The predicative relatives of French perception verbs", Predicates and terms in Functional Grammar. Ed. by A.M. Bolkestein, C. de Groot, & J.L. Mackenzie. Dordrecht & Cinnaminson, N.J.: Foris, 219-234.

JvdA "More predicative relatives in French: the l’homme que je dis qui ressemble a un chat construction", Antwerp studies in Functional Grammar. Ed. by J. Nuyts. Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA), 13-48.  [=Antwerp papers in linguistics 39]

JvdA "‘Only if’", Logique et Analyse 109: 61-74.

JvdA "Relative that - a centennial dispute", Journal of Linguistics 21: 149-179.

JvdA & D. Kučanda "Serbo-Croatian što - pronoun or conjunction?", Linguistics 23: 917-962.

JvdA Review of Syntax 1. by T. Givòn. Linguistics 21: 503-509.

JvdA, Review of On the formal syntax of the Westgermania. Ed. by W. Abraham. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis 63: 593-595.



JvdA & W. Vandeweghe (eds.) Studies over Nederlandse Partikels. [Studies on Dutch particles] Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA). [=Antwerp papers in linguistics 35]

JvdA & W. Vandeweghe "Inleiding" [Introduction], Studies over Nederlandse partikels. Ed. by vdA & W. Vandeweghe. Antwerpen: Universiteit (UIA), 7-15. [=Antwerp papers in linguistics 35]

JvdA "Maar en alleen als graadpartikels" [Maar and alleen as degree particles], Studies over Nederlandse partikels. ed by. JvdA & W. Vandeweghe. Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA), 103-118. [=Antwerp papers in linguistics 35]

JvdA "Subject vs. non-subject asymmetries in the relativization of embedded NP’s", Sentential complementation. Proceedings of the international conference held at UFSAL, Brussels, June, 1983. Ed. by W. de Geest & Y. Putseys. Dordrecht & Cinnaminson, N.J.: Foris, 257-269.

JvdA "From temporal adverb to modal particle - Some comparative remarks on Polish ‘czasem’", Papers and studies in contrastive linguistics. 18: 91-99.

JvdA "More on the history of subject contact clauses in English", Folia Linguistica Historica 5: 171-184.

JvdA "That COMP-fusions", Proceedings of the tenth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Ed. by C. Brugman & M. Macaulay. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society, 660-673.

JvdA "Lauerbach on the ambiguity of conditionals", Studia Filologiczne, Filologia Angielska 17: 85-91

JvdA Review of. Paraphrasenbeziehungen zwischen disjunktiven und konjunktiven Sätzen. by C. Oetke. Leuvense Bijdragen 73: 274-277.

JvdA Review of Satzstruktur und Satzbedeutung. Plädoyer für eine semantikfundierende Oberflächengrammatik, am Beispiel der Bedingungssätze des Deutschen. by B.J. Fischer. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 3: 37-38.

JvdA Review of Writings of Charles S. Peirce. A chronological edition. Volume I. Journal of Pragmatics 8: 747-748.

JvdA Review of Issues in Zulu relativization, by G. Poulos. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 6: 211-213.



JvdA (ed.) Theme issue on "conditionals", Journal of Pragmatics 7: 243-323.

JvdA "Comrie on subjects", Linguistics in the Netherlands 1983. Ed. by H. Bennis & W.U.S. van Lessen Kloeke. Dordrecht & Cinnaminson, N.J.: Foris, 191-199.

JvdA "Is the logic of natural language two-valued, three-valued or many-valued?" Papers from the seventh Scandinavian conference of linguistics. II. Ed. by F. Karlsson. Helsinki: University, 710-720.

JvdA "New evidence for raising?" Neophilologische Mitteilungen 84: 396-397.

JvdA "Tasks for conditionalists?" Journal of Pragmatics 7: 243-245.

JvdA "Conditionals and antecedent possibilities", Journal of Pragmatics 7: 297-309.

JvdA "On the relativization of embedded subjects", Studies in Language 7: 277-281. 

JvdA "On the delay of the nominative who relativizer", Een spyeghel voor G. Jo Steenbergen. Huldealbum aangeboden bij zijn emeritaat. Ed. by F. Daems & L. Goossens. Leuven & Amersfoort: Acco, 21-28.

JvdA "‘Misschien?’" [‘Perhaps?’], Leuvense Bijdragen 72: 385-414.

JvdA Review article on Predication and expression in Functional Grammar, Journal of Pragmatics 7: 433-442.

JvdA Review of Language and thought. by J. L. Pollock. Studies in Language 7: 451-454.



JvdA "Minimal ontology and the theory of meaning", Language and ontology. Proceedings of the sixth international Wittgenstein symposium 1981. Ed. by W. Leinfellner, E. Kraemer, & J. Schank. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 303-305.

JvdA & J. Rombouts "Sperber and Wilson on irony", Grazer Linguistische Studien 17/18: 17-30.

JvdA "Extraposition and permutation in Portuguese", Lingvisticae Investigationes 6: 403-404.

JvdA "Against ‘Against conversational implicature’", Journal of Semantics 1: 399-400



JvdA What do we talk about when we talk? Speculative Grammar and the semantics and pragmatics of focus. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

JvdA "INUS conditions", Logique et Analyse 2: 259-266.

JvdA "Zweistellige Modalität" [Dyadic modality], Sprache und Pragmatik. II. Ed. by I. Rosengren. Lund: Gleerup, 81-89.

JvdA "Tagalog ‘ang’ - an exercise in universal grammar", Linguistics in the Netherlands 1981. Ed. by S. Daalder & M. Gerritsen. Amsterdam, Oxford, New York: North Holland, 127-139.

JvdA "Pragmatiek" [Pragmatics], Twintig facetten van de taalwetenschap. Ed. by W. de Geest, R. Dirven, & Y. Putseys. Leuven: Acco, 127-139.


JvdA Reprint of Indirect speech acts revisited. Bloomington, IND: Indiana University Linguistics Club.

JvdA Regaining speculative grammar. Speech acts, logic, and focus. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms Int. [RTA 81-70019]

JvdA (ed.) The semantics of determiners. London: Croom Helm & Baltimore: University Park Press.

JvdA "‘Hence’", York Papers in Linguistics 8: 7-21.

JvdA "On the meanings of basic speech acts", Journal of Pragmatics 4: 253-303.



JvdA "Logic ‘hooked’ on natural language", Linguistische Berichte 21: 21-31.

JvdA "‘Hence’", Report on text linguistics. Semantics and cohesion. Ed. by  J.O. Östman. Åbo: Research Institute of the Åbo Akademi Foundation, 59-76.

JvdA "Pragmatic presupposition: shared beliefs in a theory of irrefutable meaning", Syntax and semantics 11: Presupposition. Ed. by D. A. Dinneen & C.-k. Oh. New York, San Francisco, London: Academic Press, 249-264.

JvdA "Universals of semantic and pragmatic focus - Prolegomena", Papers from the fifth Scandinavian conference of linguistics. Part I: Section papers. Ed. by T. Pettersson. Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell, 353-365.

JvdA "On the truth-values of empirical sentential logic", Papers from the fifth Scandinavian conference of linguistics. Part II: General sessions. Ed. by T. Pettersson. Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell, 167-178.

JvdA "Conditions for empirical logics", Linguistics in Belgium 3. Ed. by S. De Vriendt, M. Dominicy & C. Peeters. Brussel: Didier-Hattier, 107-119.

JvdA "Direct speech acts", Bedeutung, Sprechakte und Texte. Akten des 13. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Gent 1978. Bd. 2. Ed. by W. Vandeweghe & M. Van de Velde. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 295-303.



JvdA Inleiding tot de linguistische pragmatiek. [Introduction to linguistic semantics] Leuven: ACCO. [= Kennismaking met de linguistiek 4]

JvdA Indirect speech acts revisited. Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA). [=Antwerp papers in linguistics 16]

JvdA "Language and science", Tijdschrift voor Levende Talen 44: 418-422.

JvdA "Bestaan verstaan" [Understanding existence], De Nieuwe Taalgids 71: 351-361.

JvdA "Reference and pragmatics", Functional studies in language and literature. Ed. by F. Coppieters & D. L. Goyvaerts. Gent: Story-Scientia, 155-165.

JvdA "‘Dus’" [‘Hence’], Linguistics in Belgium 2. Ed. by S. Devriendt & C. Peeters. 11-124. Brussel: Didier.



JvdA "An inquiry concerning human misunderstanding", In/out 1: 15-18.

JvdA "Irrefutable meaning", Preprints of the 1977 Stanford student conference in philosophy.

JvdA Notes on ‘ordinary’ and ‘ideal language. Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA). [=Antwerp papers in linguistics 12]



JvdA Review of Tussen taal en denken: een bijdrage tot de empirische funderingen van de semantiek. by P.A.M. Seuren. ITL, Tijdschrift van het Instituut voor Toegepaste Linguistiek,Leuven 33: 73-82.



JvdA Semantic and pragmatic presupposition. Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen (UIA). [=Antwerp papers in linguistics 2]