Research team

Student Entrepreneurship in Flanders (ECOOM convenant 2024 - 2028). 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2028


In this research project, the researchers aim to provide comprehensive insights and evidence-based policy proposals to stimulate and support student entrepreneurship of higher education students in Flanders. The project aims to map entrepreneurial behavior, activities and intentions of higher education students in Flanders. Through participation in the worldwide GUESSS data gathering project (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey), we gain a comprehensive understanding of the current entrepreneurial landscape among Flemish higher education students. This includes identifying the activities being pursued and the motivations driving their entrepreneurial aspirations. The project also aims to create a unique Flemish panel dataset: This dataset enables the targeted and informed development of long-term policies by providing a platform to track and analyze the evolving entrepreneurial activities of Flemish students over time. By utilizing this dataset, policymakers can make informed decisions and adapt their strategies based on the changing dynamics of the student entrepreneurship landscape.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Sustainability and Trust in EU Multilevel Governance (STRATEGO). 01/11/2023 - 31/10/2026


Given the current tenuous state of trust between institutions and actors at different levels in the EU governance system, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence STRATEGO aims to teach, research and disseminate knowledge on the dynamics, causes and effects of trust between the actors and institutions involved in EU multi-level governance of sustainable development, with a focus on business and entrepreneurship, climate and biodiversity, and health policies. This empirical scope of STRATEGO connects with the UN's sustainable development goals, the policy priorities of the European Commission and the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme. STRATEGO will develop interdisciplinary synergies on EU governance, trust and sustainable development by bridging teaching, research and outreach efforts across disciplines at the University of Antwerp. Throughout all activities, STRATEGO will go beyond the usual producers and consumers of EU studies. It will bring EU governance knowledge of the Social Sciences, Law and Economics faculties to students and staff of the Science and Health Sciences faculties, and it will reach out beyond the academic environment to foster a dialogue with professionals, civilsociety and the general public. In terms of teaching, STRATEGO will ensure interdisciplinarity through guest lectures, joint supervision of bachelor and master theses and innovative formats such as simulations and micro-credentials. In terms of research, STRATEGO will bring together staff from various disciplines through research seminars, PhD masterclasses and a visiting scheme for early career scholars. In terms of outreach beyond the academic context, STRATEGO will organise activities such as thematic webinars, outreach workshops and activities for specific audiences such as secondary schools.


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Project website

Project type(s)

  • Education Project
  • Research Project

Towards a multi-level approach of SME internationalization. 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2026


In this proposal, we unravel the multi-dimensionality and complexity of SME internationalization by developing and testing a multi-dimensional SME internationalization model. We take on a contigency perspective and explicitly consider personal, firm and environmental level factors as contingent on an SME's international strategic orientation and subsequent international performance. We ground our analytical framework and subsequent variable selection in the Uppsala internationalization model, and carefully select variables that have been found relevant to an SME's reaction to, and dealing with, uncertainty: The entrepreneur's deeper-level implicit motives, the SME's decision-making logic, and the host and home country's institutional advancement. We execute tailor-made surveys and workshops, and adopt secondary information from existing databases to execute multi-dimensional contingency fit models. As such, we estimate the effect of the complicated web of interrelationships among the set of determinants of SME internationalization and growth.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Study in the context of the week of the transfer of a business 01/10/2023 - 31/12/2023


The research project consists of four parts and the formulation of policy recommendations: a study of entrepreneurs over the age of 55 (part 1), a study of pre-start-ups and recently started companies (part 2), a study of growing and fast-growing companies (part 3) and a study of the differences within sectors and provinces and the impact of crises (part 4). First of all, it should be possible to compare the results of the new research project with the results of the studies previously carried out in 2019. Part 1 of the study investigates whether entrepreneurs today are more aware of the problems of Succession and Takeover, whether they are better informed and whether they made use of the guidance options offered. The aim of the study is also to obtain a more detailed picture of the steps that managers or managing directors from the age of 56 are taking today to tackle the problem of Succession and Transfer within their company and their environment. Part 2 of the study examines the extent to which pre-starters consider taking over a business instead of starting a completely new activity. In the case of the target group of recently started entrepreneurs (up to a maximum of 3 years after the start), it is investigated why they have or have not considered taking over an existing company and why they have or have not taken over a company. Part 3 of the study examines the extent to which acquisitions are considered by growing and fast-growing companies. High (or ambitious) growth companies are defined as companies with at least 10 employees that can boast a growth rate of at least 20% per year in the last 3 years (OECD, 2007). Part 4 of the study asks for an examination of the differences between provinces and between sectors in terms of business transfers. It also calls for an examination of the impact of the various crises that have taken place in recent years on the intentions and results of business transfers. The data collection in the 3 parts will be based on an online survey among a large sample of companies in Flanders. Based on the findings in each section, concrete policy recommendations will be formulated in the policy areas of economy, innovation and entrepreneurship.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Student Entrepreneurship in Flanders 01/10/2022 - 31/12/2023


In this research project, the researchers aim to provide evidence-based insights to stimulate and support student entrepreneurship of higher education students in Flanders. The project consists of two research tracks aimed to yield actionable outcomes: A qualitative research track which involves gathering in-depth information and practical proposals for fostering and facilitating student entrepreneurship and students' entrepreneurial mindset in higher education institutions. The study will develop (a) ideal type(s), informed by a thorough analysis of existing models and frameworks, to serve as (an) effective blueprint(s) for Flemish educational institutions and their entrepreneurship centres. The qualitative research track will be progressively phased out in 2024. A quantitative research track which aims to achieve the following objectives: Mapping entrepreneurial activities and intentions: Through data collection (participation in the GUESSS data gathering wave) and analysis, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the current entrepreneurial landscape among Flemish higher education students. This includes identifying the activities being pursued and the motivations driving their entrepreneurial aspirations. International benchmarking: By comparing the entrepreneurial activities and intentions of Flemish higher education students with international data (thanks to our participation in the GUESSS data gathering waves), we gain valuable insights into the relative performance and position of Flanders on a global scale. This benchmarking exercise enables us to identify areas for improvement and implement effective measures in line with international standards. Creation of a unique Flemish panel dataset: This dataset enables the targeted and informed development of long-term policies by providing a platform to track and analyze the evolving entrepreneurial activities of Flemish students over time. By utilizing results based on this dataset, policymakers can make informed decisions and adapt their strategies based on the changing dynamics of the student entrepreneurship landscape.


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Project website

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Entrepreneurial spirit and employability: Towards a future-oriented and agile education portfolio 01/11/2021 - 15/10/2023


For the project 'Entrepreneurial Spirit and Employability: Towards a Future-Oriented and Agile Education Portfolio', we will develop an online toolkit aimed at students and student-entrepreneurs. The aim of this toolkit is twofold: (1) to detect potential development areas allowing us to increase a student's entrepreneurial spirit, and (2) to detect the 'red flag' support areas within a student-entrepreneur's entrepreneurial path. The latter allows us to provide tailored support to our student-entrepreneurs. The toolkit will not only enable us to stimulate our students' / student-entrepreneurs' entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial activities, but will also result in a systematic monitoring systems of the most important development and support areas.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Education Project
  • Research Project

Content-related expert advise for the UNIZO-AMS Mastercall II project "Ambition in Entrepreneurship" 01/07/2020 - 30/06/2024


Entrepreneurship is the driver of economic progress. Today's champions – Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, et cetera – all started as small-scaled projects. Unfortunately, European countries, including the Flanders region, lag behind. Small-scaled entrepreneurial projects experience difficulties in their further development and growth. The new champions come from North-America or Southeast-Asia, not from Europe. This has to change. For this, the Flemish government launched a large-scaled and ambitious program (2016-2020) to coach SMEs and entrepreneurs in their further development. Within this program, UNIZO and Antwerp Management School (AMS) developed a project called "Road to Growth" (Ambition in Entrepreneurship). UNIZO and AMS are ambitious in their goal to provide a unique and effective coaching program to support ambitious Flemish entrepreneurs. Hundreds ambitious entrepreneurs will, thanks to the support of UNIZO/AMS, have developed their company. A tailor-made coaching program provides the necessary support to do so.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

The motivational drivers of nascent SME internationalization. 01/10/2019 - 30/09/2023


Internationalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) may contribute greatly to the welfare of a country. Yet, it is unclear why some SMEs (successfully) internationalize whereas others stay domestic. In this project, we aim to better understand which motivational drivers explain whether an entrepreneur aspires and expects internationalization, and whether (s)he is able to actually reach these goals. Does, for example, an entrepreneur who wants to have impact on others (typically for those scoring low on the power motive) have higher internationalization aspirations? We explicitly recognize the existence of two motivational systems: An explicit and an implicit one. The implicit system operates outside of conscious awareness and control, and the explicit one functions at a conscious level. Besides the impact of personality aspects, we also attribute attention to firm and environmental characteristics. As such, we aim to better understand the integrated 'fit' configurations of implicit / explicit personality profiles and environmental characteristics leading to actual internationalization behavior (and subsequent international performance). We execute computer-led Implicit Association Tests and tailor-made surveys, and adopt secondary information from existing databases to allow us to unravel the factors influencing an SME's decision to internationalize, and its internationalization behavior.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Smart ports entrepreneurial ecosystem development (SPEED). 01/01/2019 - 30/12/2022


With increasing global competitive pressures, Western European ports have to be more efficient or more innovative to remain competitive. Especially in large and complex port environments there are numerous opportunities for efficiency gains in the logistic chain. Simultaneously, new advances in data science and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are starting to enable more efficient ways of communicating and of integrating entire supply chains. In particular high-tech start-ups and SMEs are leading the way in these technological developments. Currently, port environments do not yet fully reap the advantages from data science / IoT technologies, and high-tech start-ups / SMEs often struggle with the professionalization of their technological ideas and business activities. As a result, the performance potential of the Western European ports is hampered, as well as the full development potential of high-tech start-ups and SMEs and their subsequent economic contribution. This project aims to develop and support the growth of a nascent connected port solutions ecosystem backed by data science and IoT technologies. Bottom-up initiatives are forming around this common goal, mainly among maritime logistics players, port authorities and large IT providers. The current objective is to also connect to and develop a community of ambitious data science entrepreneurs (start-ups and SMEs), data science & maritime experts and knowledge centers. As such, the project aims to translate innovations from both technologies into a connected and multi-modal port environment and generate more efficient communication and logistical streams through dedicated data-based solutions. On top of this, the project aims to reap the full business potential of high-tech start-ups and SMEs, professionalize their business activities and increase their overall (international) performance. The project has three main outputs: (1) Mobilizing a network connecting 2 Seas region data science high-tech start-ups and SMEs, data science and maritime experts and knowledge centers, and port stakeholders, to the benefit of the Western European ports and port stakeholders in need of data science solutions, (2) Building a common approach to facilitate the development of data science applications for port logistics problems, to the benefit of the Western European ports and port stakeholders, and (3) Building a common approach to develop and improve the technical value delivering, commercialisation capacities and professionalization of the smart port entrepreneurs and for the adoption of smart port solutions, to the benefit of (internationalizing) high-tech start-ups and SMEs, and port application users.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

From research to commercialisation in an entrepreneurial university: Development of pre-incubation structures for the University of Antwerp 01/01/2018 - 30/06/2019


The outspoken ambition of the University of Antwerp to create value for society is translated in this project to the ambition to become an entrepreneurial university. In order to achieve this ambition the University of Antwerp is committed to reinforce the different actors within the university in their endeavours to translate their research results, knowledge and expertise to society as a whole. There is a clear need for the development and offering of state-of-the-art pre-incubation services at the University of Antwerp. A pre-incubator offers a protecting environment in which entrepreneurial ideas can be tested on their market potential. The ambition of the University of Antwerp to create value for society as an entrepreneurial university can only be achieved through its unceasing support of its commercialisation processes of research knowledge and expertise, while safeguarding its basic values of academic fundamental research. To close the gap between scientific research output on the one hand and sustainable commercialisation on the other hand, and the survival of the so-called 'valley of death', pre-incubation facilities, like insights in opportunity and market potential detection and IP knowledge, should be installed or reinforced to allow researchers to test and evaluate the commercial potential of their research output in a protecting environment. Moreover, the TRL levels will be increased indirectly, which is a pre-requisite of support programs for scientific research (eg. Horizon 2020, VLAIO,…). An increase of the TRL level equally leads to lowering the threshold for business and industry (and related investors) as such reinforcing the commercialisation potential of the research. This project aims to develop five pilot pre-incubation structures for target disciplines (sustainable chemistry, logistics, health, product development and social innovation). These pilot cases were selected based on the 'Beleidsvisie 2016-2020' and the research spearheads of the University of Antwerp. In the deployment of the pilot cases special attention will be paid to the clear fit with the existing incubation and techtransfer activities of the University of Antwerp. In the same line of reasoning the pre-incubation structures will be embedded in the entrepreneurial ecosystems of the five targeted disciplines. Addressing the needs and barriers of the researchers is a central point of attention. The short term result is a minimum viable product for pre-incubation services for the targeted disciplines. At the same time, our results will provide a blueprint for the development of pre-incubation services for other disciplines in the long term. By safeguarding the embeddedness of pre-incubation structures and optimal fit with existing initiatives within the University of Antwerp as well as with its entrepreneurial ecosystem stakeholders a leverage is created to society as a whole.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Road to Growth. 01/10/2017 - 30/05/2020


Entrepreneurship is the driver of economic progress. Today's champions – Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, et cetera – all started as small-scaled projects. Unfortunately, European countries, including the Flanders region, lag behind. Small-scaled entrepreneurial projects experience difficulties in their further development and growth. The new champions come from North-America or Southeast-Asia, not from Europe. This has to change. For this, the Flemish government launched a large-scaled and ambitious program (2016-2020) to coach SMEs and entrepreneurs in their further development. Within this program, UNIZO and Antwerp Management School (AMS) developed a project called "Road to Growth" (Ambition in Entrepreneurship). UNIZO and AMS are ambitious in their goal to provide a unique and effective coaching program to support ambitious Flemish entrepreneurs. By 2020, hundreds ambitious entrepreneurs will, thanks to the support of UNIZO/AMS, have developed their company. A tailor-made coaching program provides the necessary support to do so.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Development commercial strategy and instruments for the commercialization of Science Park University of Antwerp and incubator Darwin. 01/07/2013 - 30/09/2014


This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand the Province of Antwerp. UA provides the Province of Antwerp research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Science parks and Business Incubators in Belgium, Brazil and Italy: Strategic Choices, Institutional context and Performance indicators. 04/11/2011 - 03/11/2012


This research project aims to develop an integrative model to examine the relationship between an incubator's/science park's strategic choices (e.g., service focus, service customization, technology and knowledge transfer) and its performance (e.g., start-up growth and survival, innovation). Moreover, the influence of institutional contexts in developed versus emerging/transition countries is taken into account by looking at two settings: developed (that is, Belgium and Italy) versus emerging/transition (that is, Brazil) countries. With this project's funding, we aim to develop a primary database which can be used to examine these relationships further.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Strategic choices, institutionalism and the business incubator phenomenon: how does the institutional context influence the relationship between an incubator's strategic choices and its performance? 15/09/2010 - 14/09/2011


This project aims at examining the following: (1) the relationship between strategic positions and incubator performance, and (2) the influence of the institutional context on this relationship. Our objective is to capture different institutional contexts by empirically examining incubators in various European countries. The study frames within the fields of strategic management, innovation management and entrepreneurship and international business. This part of the project specifically deals with creating a European incubator data base.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

A contingency perspective on perceived tenant satisfaction of technology incubators 01/10/2009 - 30/09/2011


To counter the high failure rate of small start-up firms in general and technology-based firms in particular, the nurturing of start-up firms in business incubators is often suggested. Although many incubator studies have been developed, a better understanding of which strategic, external and internal incubator variables result in a good "fit" and hence above-normal performace of technology incubators in an under-researched domain in incubator literature. The current research project tries to address this literature gap, grounding the project in criterion-specific contengency literature.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project