Poor performance of applicator tampon-based self-collection for liquid-based cytology among women attending a tertiary hospital in South Africa
Diagnostic cytopathology: a quarterly international journal - ISSN 8755-1039- (2024) p.
A modular, human body-mimicking phantom with active thermoregulation capabilities for validation and verification of convective hyperthermia devices
International journal of hyperthermia - ISSN 0265-6736-41:1 (2024) p. 1-10
Prevalence and genotype distribution of potential high-risk and high-risk human papillomavirus among women attending selected reproductive health clinics in Lake Victoria Basin-Kenya : a cross-sectional study
BMC women's health - ISSN 1472-6874-24:1 (2024) p. 1-11
Development, validation, and implementation of an augmented multiwell, multitarget quantitative PCR for the analysis of human papillomavirus genotyping through software automation, data science, and artificial intelligence
The journal of molecular diagnostics - ISSN 1525-1578-26:9 (2024) p. 781-791
Neoadjuvant hyperthermia combined with hybrid nanoarchitectures enhances chemoradiotherapy efficacy in head and neck carcinoma
ACS applied materials and interfaces - ISSN 1944-8244-16:33 (2024) p. 43272-43282