Research team
My research focusses on enhancement strategies in (electro)chemical reactor engineering to improve efficiency and productivity, particularly by improving mass transport through fluid control and hydrodynamics optimization. This process intensification is achieved both by computational calculations as experimental characterisation. By numerical computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations the relationship between reactor design and hydrodynamic behaviour is unravelled and new insights obtained through dimensionless number correlation analysis. By experimental characterisation, new and innovative reactor designs are optimized towards high selectivity and productivity. Through a range of (additive) manufacturing techniques (e.g. 3D printing, micromilling) these reactor designs are constructed in-house and tailored to the operating behaviour of the application at hand (e.g. 3D printed electrodes for electrochemistry), allowing to identify bottlenecks and grants the possibility to properly adapt the electrode or spacer geometry. Mass transport and fluid handling, when not taken care of, diminish the properties of any excellent catalyst. Only when the intrinsic reaction and mass transfer kinetics are matched, an economically viable process can be established. Moreover, this combined approach of numerical calculations and experimental testing, allows to validate insights gained from CFD results, linking theoretical concepts with experimental data.
REdox flow Batteries: cheaper and Better through Improved material Design (REBBID).
Energy storage is crucial to enable the energy transition worldwide. In this respect, redox flow batteries (RFBs) offer an enormous potential for the future large-scale battery capacity, as they are flexible, have a long cycle life and fast response. Expensive membranes, use of expensive and scarce metals, and overall limited performance currently still hamper their widespread breakthrough. By a careful selection based on cost, intrinsic performance, and material availability, novel critical battery compounds will be developed in REBBID. Most importantly, their assembly in one battery system will be realized in close collaboration among the 5 research teams. While a traditional approach would consist of optimizing each part at the single component level, an overall integrated battery system-level optimization is scheduled in REBBID, thus creating synergies that would typically be lost in separate projects by each PI.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Accelerated degradation techniques for improving the performance and durability of flow batteries.
Flow batteries are a promising technology for the stationary storage of intermittent renewable energy. Yet their commercial prospects are hindered by the lack of techniques to evaluate the durability of the different battery materials. This research project will enhance the performance and durability of flow batteries (FBs) for energy storage applications through the development of accelerated degradation techniques (ADTs). In the first stage of the project, benchmark values for critical parameters will be derived through systematic experimentation. Typical materials and electrochemical FBs will be used. Subsequently, the main part of the project will focus on developing ADTs to generate data for the creation of accurate state of health (SoH) models, speeding up material evaluation for durability prediction. To validate our results, we will prove the effectiveness of our methods by using them on state-of-the-art electrodes with controllable characteristics in collaboration with Prof. Antoni Forner-Cuenca of TU Eindhoven. The challenges related to efficiency, power density, and durability will be addressed through a systematic investigation of the impact of electrode geometry on overpotential. The ultimate outcome of this project will be to develop new ADTs and to gain insight in their ability towards drafting battery maintenance and remediation strategies as well as rapid evaluation of novel flow battery materials for the commercial development of this technology.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
- Fellow: Delogne Raphaël
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Redox flow batteries charging tomorrow's world through the in-depth understanding and enhanced control over battery hydrodynamics (RECHARGE).
Electrochemical energy storage is essential if we wish to increase the usage of intermittent energy sources such as windmills and solar panels. With intermittent energy sourcesit is crucial that energy can be stored to meet demand when production istoo low. When targeting stationary storage with large capacity and long storage times, redox flow batteries stand out. However, in order to compete with other energy storage technologies several fundamental challenges remain to be resolved. Mass transport limitations, cell resistivities, pressure losses and slow kinetics still pose major barriers that result in unsatisfactory energy efficiencies and power densities. In RECHARGE, I propose an innovative and disruptive approach. By combining for the first time pulsatile flow with precisely structured 3D electrodes the battery's performance can be accurately steered towards improved battery hydrodynamics, allowing to surpass state-of-the-art in terms of maximum attainable power density, diminished efficiency losses and enhanced energy capacity. The combination of targeting an in depth understanding into how reagent, product and electrolyte transport is governed within the redox flow battery by using in operando characterisation and having perfect control over the electrode geometry and flow field design through advanced engineering approaches, will result in unprecedented control over the mass transport and reaction environment. This will yield a significantly improved redox flow battery with a power density of 1000 mW/cm² and a roundtrip efficiency above 85%. RECHARGE will demonstrate the impact of achieving perfect control over the hydrodynamic and electrochemical characteristics of a redox flow battery and can thus be considered as the first step towards a new generation of redox flow batteries that will completely redesign the electrode structure and fluid control strategies towards strongly improved battery efficienciesResearcher(s)
- Promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Green valorization of CO2 and Nitrogen compounds for making fertilizers (CONFETI).
CONFETI project proposes the development of a lab-scale validated innovative technology that is able to utilise and electrochemically convert CO2 and N2 directly from air or flue gases without the use of critical raw materials and using renewable energy sources. By the production of urea from N (N2 and/or NO3-) and CO2, the project aims to ensure a circular and renewable carbon and nitrogen economy by recycling and converting the NO3- not consume by the plant into ammonia or urea using photocatalytic technologies based on sunlight. The technology proposed in the current project to synthetize and deliver urea fertilizer to plants will follow sustainable agriculture models by promoting the efficiency of available resources, the sustainability of the agriculturalsector, the preservation of the environment and the safety and quality of products. For many countries, agriculture is the dominant sector in developing the economy. Increasing productivity and the modernization of agricultural production systems are the primary drivers of global poverty reduction and energy increase.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Co-promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Optimisation of Bubble Removal in Alkaline Water Electrolysers at Industrial Current Densities.
Hydrogen is considered essential for the transition towards carbon neutrality. Currently, however, most hydrogen is derived from fossil fuels, because this is cheaper than producing hydrogen renewably through electrolysis. This cost gap currently impedes the adoption of renewable hydrogen and significant cost reductions are necessary to make it competitive. Crucially, the cost of cell stack components accounts for about half of the total cost of electrolysis systems. An effective way to lower the stack costs, is to improve the electrolyser's productivity by increasing the operating current density. Increasing the current density, however, accelerates the formation of gas bubbles on the electrode surface, which reduce the efficiency. The objective of this project is, therefore, to investigate how the cell design and operating conditions affect the gas bubble removal in alkaline water electrolysers at high current densities. Through a combination of electrochemical techniques and in-situ X-ray tomography, a relation can be established between gas bubble removal and the interelectrode distance, flow fields and electrodes, enabling the optimisation of these parameters. Several operational parameters, including flow rate, cell compression, temperature, and pressure, will also be studied to gain insight into how they affect the bubble removal. This will also make it possible to link each cell design with the optimal operating conditions, in order to maximise the energy efficiency.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Co-promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
- Fellow: Van Laere Quinten
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Towards improved performance of flow batteries through electrode design and stability analysis.
Given that the share of renewable energy sources in the world's power mix is steadily increasing in response to treaties and actions against climate change, energy storage systems have become a crucial player to offset the intermittence coupled with renewable energy sources and allow to match production and demand. In this respect, flow batteries (FBs) offer an enormous potential for future worldwide large-scale battery capacity, given they are capable of storing large amounts of energy in an efficient way. Amongst all FBs, the all-vanadium flow battery (VFB) is the most upcoming energy storage technology because they offer several advantages compared to Li-ion batteries. They decouple power and storage capacity making them easily scalable. In addition, they are flexible and offer a long life cycle and zero long term cross-contamination. While significant attention has already gone towards improving the efficiency and power density of VFBs, there is still a lot of room for improvement, especially in terms of reducing the energy losses inherent to the system. In this regard, the electrode design has a critical role as it simultaneously impacts reaction kinetics, resistivity and mass transport, which should all be optimised to maximise performance. By designing and developing porous carbon electrodes with precisely tunable geometry and composition, this project tends to improve the overall battery performance. Besides the instantaneous battery performance, another important parameter is its lifetime, which has received far less attention. This because lifetime analysis is difficult and time consuming, hindering its uptake in industry. This project will tackle this issue by combining degradation analysis with physicochemical characterisation to establish the main degradation pathways and find solutions to overcome them. Moreover, to predict battery performance physics driven lifetime analysis models will be set up. As such this project will provide a benchmark for future development and research in the field of FBs.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
- Fellow: Delogne Raphaël
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Valorisation of CO2 waste streams into polyester for a sustainable circular textile industry (THREADING-CO2).
The textile industry is the fourth largest industry in the world with the global volume of fiber production for textile manufacturing reaching 110 million metric tonsin 2020. At the same time, the textile industry is one of the most polluting industries worldwide with the highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions corresponding to 10% of the global emissions. Polyester (PET) isthe most widely used fibre in the industry, making up 52% of the global market volume. No technology available today is capable of addressing the textile industry's sustainability and virgin PET produced from primary petrochemical sources remains predominant with a fossil fuel consumption of 98 Mt annually which is expected to reach 300 Mt by 2050. Addressing the key challenges of carbon neutrality, circularity, cost, value chain adaption, and textile properties is the ambition of Threading-CO2, a disruptive project that will demonstrate on an industrial scale a first-of-its-kind technology that converts CO2 waste streams into sustainable PET textiles. Threading-CO2 aims to scale-up and demonstrate its first-of-its-kind technology producing high-quality commercially viable sustainable PET textile products from CO2 waste streams at industrial scale (TRL7) using a circular manufacturing approach and running on renewable energy sources. The overall outcome of the Threading-CO2 project is a 70% GHG emissions reduction compared to existing PET manufacturing processes. In addition, Threading-CO2 will enable the creation of a European value chain for sustainable PET textiles, from feedstock to final textile products in the clothing, automotive and sports/ outdoor industries.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Co-promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Structured 3D electrodes for green hydrogen production
In order to achieve net zero emissions in Europe by 2050, hydrogen will play a vital role. Naturally, in order to mitigate climate issues green hydrogen, produced by water electrolysis with renewable energy, must be employed instead of grey hydrogen, produced from natural gas. However, with current prices of 2.5 to 5.5 €/kg, green hydrogen is far more expensive than grey hydrogen which only costs 1.5 €/kg. A major factor herein is the power usage, which determines 80% of the green hydrogen price. In order to lower the power usage, research focus typically lies on improving the electrocatalyst, while reactor engineering remains underdeveloped. With this proposal I would tackle this knowledge gap and investigate how structured 3D electrodes can improve the performance of water electrolysers. With the combined effect of a high surface area and structured geometry, a reduced ohmic resistance, an efficient bubble release, a small pressure drop and a uniform current distribution can be obtained, tackling the power usage of today's water electrolysers. Through 3D printing and the use of coating techniques such as electrodeposition, the influence of the electrode geometry and surface structure on the efficiency losses in water electrolysers will be characterised, yielding insight in parameters such as the ohmic resistance, hydrodynamic properties and bubble release size.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
- Co-promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
- Fellow: De Wolf Renée
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Control of Nucleation and Crystallization of Oligopeptides in Flow (NuCryPept-control).
The NuCryPept-control project aims to create tools for the simplification of parameter-space exploration in the development of oligopeptide nucleation and crystallization. We are developing precise and accurate control technologies for various parameters in the crystallization process (pH, composition, concentration, temperature) that not only work on microscale, but in addition are scalable, so that the same technologies used for screening can also be applied in manufacturing to unburden, through crystallization, the purification process of biomacromolecules, which is currently expensive and inefficient.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Vande Velde Christophe
- Co-promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Beyond the limits of mass transfer: design of 3D pillar electrodes in redox flow batteries.
Renewable intermittent power sources such as solar panels and windmills pose big challenges regarding production-consumption profile matching. To solve this issue, batteries can offer a sustainable solution. More specific, redox flow batteries are an interesting technology since in these batteries the storage capacity is decoupled from the size of the battery by actively circulating the electrolyte through the battery. Consequently, they are highly interesting for long-term and large-scale energy storage. However, to become industrially applicable the power output must be enhanced. For this reason, the mass transfer of the active species inside the battery must improve as in current state-of-the-art redox flow batteries the mass transfer is the limiting factor. The aim of this PhD project is to improve the mass transfer without the expense of increased pumping costs by developing 3D pillar electrodes. By having the combined effect of a high surface area, ordered geometry resulting in a low pressure drop, and uniform current and potential distribution, pillar electrodes in electrochemistry allow to surpass the current state-of-the-art.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
- Fellow: De Rop Michiel
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Improving the hydrodynamics of redox flow batteries through 3D printed electrodes.
Society's strive to more renewable energy, states major challenges in the future with respect to fluctuating electricity production levels. As Europe expects a renewable energy share above 45% in 2050, energy storage strategies are required. Such a strategy is storing excess electricity through the use of redox flow batteries. In contrast to conventional (lithium-ion) batteries, the storage capacity in redox flow batteries is independent of the electrode size. As the electrolyte is pumped through the battery, the storage capacity only depends on the volume of the electrolyte that can be stored in low cost tanks. To increase the power output, redox flow batteries are typically equipped with sponge-like felt electrodes. However, high pumping costs are required to pump the electrolyte through such disordered 3D electrodes. By 3D printing the electrodes, yielding a structured geometry, we can decrease this pumping cost by two orders of magnitude. The aim of this project proposal is to unravel how 3D printed electrodes can influence the performance of redox flow batteries. To achieve this goal, correlations between power output and pressure drop will be studied for different electrode designs and as function of the battery stability.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Fellow: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Unraveling the influence of 3D printed electrodes on the performance of redox flow batteries
Society's strive to more renewable energy, states major challenges in the future with respect to fluctuating electricity production levels. As Europe expects a renewable energy share above 45% in 2050, energy storage strategies are required. Such a strategy is storing excess electricity through the use of redox flow batteries. In contrast to conventional (lithium-ion) batteries, is the storage capacity in redox flow batteries not function of the electrode size. As the electrolyte is pumped through the battery, the storage capacity only depends on the volume of the electrolyte that can be stored in low cost tanks. To increase the power output, redox flow batteries are typically equipped with sponge-like felt electrodes. However, high pumping costs are required to pump the electrolyte through such disordered 3D electrodes. By 3D printing the electrodes, yielding a structured geometry, we can decrease this pumping cost by two orders of magnitude. The aim of this project proposal is to unravel how 3D printed electrodes can influence the performance of redox flow batteries. To achieve this goal, correlations between power output and pressure drop will be studied for different electrode designs and as function of the battery stability.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Up-scaling of the zero-gap CO2 electrolyzer.
In light of climate change, we started in 2018 with the IOF SBO STACkED project that aims at identifying the most optimal CO2 electrolyzer configuration. The results direct obtained from this project have in October 2019 led to the start of a patent application process with the De Clercq & Partners patenting agency to protect the CO2 electrolyzer configuration. The current CO2 electrolyzer is, however, still at the lab-scale and therefore situated at TRL 3. Consequently, it is time to take the next step and scale-up this electrolyzer design to an industrial relevant size, achieving TRL 5. The goal of this POC Blue_App project therefore is to up-scale the electrolyzer from 5 watt to 1-2 kilowatt. Moreover, this POC Blue_App project will also allow to strengthen the patent application process and find solutions to the potential bottlenecks that will be highlighted in the search report of the patent application process and explore valorization opportunities through a spin-off or third-party licensing.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Co-promoter: Daems Nick
- Co-promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Electrosynthesis for the sustainable production of ethylene oxide.
BASF is wereldwijd de grootste multinational in de chemische sector en in België gevestigd in de Antwerpse haven. De vestiging omvat onder andere de grootste ethyleenoxide (EO) productieafdeling in Europa. Het huidige EO-productieproces verloopt via katalytische oxidatie. Hierbij verbrandt echter een substantieel deel van de voeding tot CO2. Gedreven door de ontwikkelingen op klimatologisch vlak en de te verwachten heffingen op broeikasgassen staan milieubelastende processen onder druk en wordt de omschakeling naar groenere processen gestimuleerd. Zo werd onder andere een actieplan van de EU in het leven geroepen om de opwarming van de aarde af te remmen en onder de 2°C grenswaarde te houden. Het plan stelt dat 40% afslanking van de broeikasgasuitstoot, 27% verhoging van de energie-efficiëntie en 27% verhoging van de groene stroom gerealiseerd moeten worden voor 2030. BASF volgt deze filosofie en werkt toe naar een CO2 vrije groei tegen 2030. Het bedrijf wil zich dan ook inzetten voor de ontwikkeling van een groen EO productieproces en is daarom samen met de ART onderzoeksgroep het engagement aangegaan voor de uitwerking van een Baekeland project. Een elektrosynthese methode biedt de mogelijk om een CO2 vrije productie van EO te realiseren. Elektrochemische processen verlopen doorgaans bij veel lagere temperaturen (< 100°C), waardoor verbrandingsreacties, en bijgevolg de CO2 uitstoot, volledig vermeden kan worden. De laatste decennia heeft de elektrochemische technologie grote stappen voorwaarts gemaakt onder impuls van nieuwe technieken en inzichten op vlak van materiaaltechnologie, oppervlakte-engineering, membraan-technologie en gasdiffusie-elektroden (GDE).Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Co-promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
- Fellow: Schalck Jonathan
Research team(s)
Project website
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Mixer electrodes for redox flow batteries.
Renewable energy sources state the challenge of fluctuating energy production levels. As its estimated share is expected to increase with over 20%, new energy storage or conversion strategies are required. One of those strategies is storing excess electricity through the use of redox flow batteries. In contrast to regular batteries, the electrolyte is no longer stationary. As a result, the power density becomes independent of the size of the battery, but will be determined by the volume of the electrolyte which can be stored in low cost tanks. Flowing through the battery the oxidation state of ions (e.g. vanadium) is altered, charging or discharging the electrolyte of the battery. Critical in this process is that the mass transfer of these ions towards the electrode is as high as possible. To date this is achieved at the expense of a high pressure drop, reducing the efficiency of the flow battery due to a high pumping energy cost. Using mixer electrodes, mass transfer is maximized at minimal pressure drop. Such geometries have not been investigated for redox flow batteries. The aim of the project proposal is to maximize the performance of a vanadium redox flow battery as function of the pressure drop through the use of such mixer electrodes. To achieve this goal correlations between power output and pressure drop will be studied for different electrode mixer designs, based on the three foremost static mixers.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Advanced support materials for electrocatalysis
Over the last decade, the use of nanotechnology in electrochemical catalysis has become extreme important. Sole nanoparticles, however, do not yet constitute an electrode. Hence, deposition on a conducting support structure is indispensable. In electrode fabrication planar supports are the preferred format as they give rise to the least complications during deposition. Planar supports, though, do not always lead to the most efficient process. Tubular support structures give rise to a higher surface area and improved mass transport due to its flow distribution properties. Regular deposition of electrocatalyst nanoparticles in confined spaces of non-planar supports, however, is far from straightforward considering the difficulty to reach such places. Hence, it has been identified as one of the next big challenges. The goal of this project is to develop such tubular support structures and uniformly coat them with electrocatalytic nanoparticles.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Hereijgers Jonas
- Co-promoter: Breugelmans Tom
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Ordered three dimensional electrodes for electrocatalysis.
Over the last decade, the use of nanotechnology in electrochemical catalysis has become extreme popular. Sole nanoparticles, however, do not yet constitute an electrode. Hence, deposition on a conducting support structure is indispensable. In electrode fabrication planar supports are the preferred format as they give rise to the least complications during deposition. Planar supports, though, do not always lead to the most efficient process. Three dimensional (3D) support structures give rise to a higher surface area and when the architecture is ordered, also to improved mass transport due to its flow distribution properties. Regular deposition of electrocatalyst nanoparticles in confined spaces of non-planar supports, however, is far from straightforward considering the difficulty to reach such places. Transferring the desired atomic rearrangement into ordered 3D structures has then also been identified as one of the next challenges. The goal of this project is to develop such ordered 3D support structures and uniformly coat them with electrocatalytic nanoparticles. To achieve this goal, three research questions will be answered: (1) what is the impact of the support shape on the deposition uniformity; (2) what is the impact of the support shape on the efficiency of electrochemical processes; (3) what is the impact of the electrode positioning in the electrochemical reactor.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Breugelmans Tom
- Fellow: Hereijgers Jonas
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project