Enhanced basalt weathering with Bacillus subtilis in a controlled bioreactor to produce a climate- and nitrogen-friendly fertilizer. 01/11/2024 - 31/10/2025


Agriculture and synthetic fertilizers are responsible for 19% of global greenhouse gas emissions and significant reactive nitrogen emissions, contributing to environmental challenges. Seeking a natural solution, we turn to basalt weathering, a process that sequesters large amounts of CO2 over millennia while releasing essential nutrients vital for plant growth, soil health, and resilience to drought. We propose to harness this natural process in a controlled bioreactor enhanced by Bacillus subtilis. This bacterium augments mineral weathering through the production of organic acids, enzymes, and secondary metabolites that additionally bolster plant health and disease resistance. Our proposed method involves pre-weathering basalt in a bioreactor, enhanced by B. subtilis, and simultaneously sequestering CO2 while producing a fertilizer. The resulting climate- and nitrogen-friendly fertilizer will be used to cultivate the N-fixing alfalfa with further in-field weathering and CO2 capture. Key objectives include optimizing B. subtilis growth conditions, constructing and operating the bioreactor for fertilizer production, and assessing the resulting fertilizer's impact on crop yields, soil health, and CO2 sequestration rates during in-field weathering. A comprehensive evaluation will consider ecological and economic implications, guiding the development of sustainable agricultural practices.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project