Research team


Broad experience as a researcher, project and team manager in projects on circular economy, waste management and treatment, waste policty in Flanders and Europe secondary raw materials, life cycle assessment, best available techniques (BAT) and integrated pollution prevention and control.

Resource effectiveness as a guiding principle for the circular economy transformation. 01/06/2021 - 31/03/2023


The economic process is solidly anchored to a material base that is subject to definite constraints , resulting in the increasing consumption of resources and related negative environmental consequences, representing one of the most important challenges to humans and the planet. In this context, severe and systemic transformations are required, with one central element being the transition towards a more Circular Economy (CE) that preserves the value of products, parts, and materials over a maximum period of time. With the European Green Deal, there is a clear ambition to upscale the CE, thus establishing a system that combines CE strategies that maximally preserve the function and value of products (e.g. extension of lifetime), components (e.g. reuse of parts), and materials (e.g., material recycling), while saving on the energy and effort that would be required to restore the lost functionalities (resource effectiveness). With a lack of indicators focusing on the effectiveness of resource use , the Post-Doc project builds upon the previously run PhD project that led to the development of the 'resource effectiveness' metric . The Post-Doc project will apply the metric to existing and upcoming projects of the ADVANCE team at VITO, while collaborating with colleagues at the University of Antwerp and other companies and institutions. The application case studies will contribute to the guidance of consortia and industry partners involved and will also provide a basis for SCI publications that will further demonstrate and contribute to the dissemination of the results and methodological extensions (e.g. additional hierarchical levels, linking the metric to LCA). Given the diversity of projects and case studies, the metric will be further extended to include case-specific characteristics (e.g. fibre length in textile recycling, level of contamination in plastic recycling). It has been previously shown how the metric can be extended to include additional dimensions, e.g. allowing for its time-dynamic application or including energetic considerations.


Research team(s)

    Project type(s)

    • Research Project

    Urban pre-Composter, decentralized pre-treatment of organic waste. 03/03/2018 - 30/04/2018


    The Urban pre-Composter is a public underground system that is used to collect organic waste in an urban context. The added value of this innovative concept is the ability to pretreat the waste in order to reduce its volume. Consequently, less transportation is needed to carry this waste. This directly implies that the environmental impact on these cities will be reduced, and in addition on social domain, the concept reduced the amount of hindrance and annoyance that is currently related to waste collection. During this project the aim is to convert and improve the design into a verified installation concept that can be commercialized.


    Research team(s)

    Project type(s)

    • Research Project

    Evaluation and classification of anthropogenic resources in view of circularity. 01/03/2017 - 28/02/2019


    Rapidly increasing population and growing wealth have resulted in an excessive global demand for energy and resources over the past decades, leading to growing waste generation, rising commodity prices and concerns over future supplies of raw materials. As an integral part of resource planning strategies, the efficient use of resources, including urban mining, recycling and re-use as well as the management of waste, has gained increasing importance and will continue to do so in the next years. To make the transition to a circular economy as smooth as possible, one of the key challenges is to obtain a comprehensive picture of totally available raw materials potentially recoverable from the anthropogenic stocks and flows. A new methodology for the evaluation (E) and classification (CL) of anthropogenic resources (ECLAR), i.e. for waste flows and material stocks, in analogy to existing concepts used for geogenic resource deposits has been introduced. The metholodogy has been applied e.g. for the assessment of landfill mining potential in Flanders and of urban mining potential of electronic waste. The goal of this Post-Doc project is to create a comprehensive knowledge base of various existing potentially minable anthropogenic resources, and to facilitate complete and comprehensive assessments of raw material supply under economic and non-monetary (e.g. environmental) aspects. These non-monetary effects of recycling and urban mining activities shall be included in the evaluation in a systematic and transparent way. Furthermore, the current status and gaps regarding urban mining and recycling activities shall be identified.


    Research team(s)

      Project type(s)

      • Research Project

      Urban pre-Composter, decentralized pre-treatment of organic waste. 01/10/2016 - 30/09/2017


      The Urban pre-Composter is a public underground system that is used to collect organic waste in an urban context. The added value of this innovative concept is the ability to pretreat the waste in order to reduce its volume. Consequently, less transportation is needed to carry this waste. This directly implies that the environmental impact on these cities will be reduced, and in addition on social domain, the concept reduced the amount of hindrance and annoyance that is currently related to waste collection. During this project the aim is to convert and improve the design into a verified installation concept that can be commercialized.


      Research team(s)

      Project type(s)

      • Research Project

      The recovery of valuable metals from mineral waste streams through innovative hydrometallurgical processes. 01/09/2014 - 04/09/2016


      Chromium (Cr) containing slag from metallurgical industries such as steel, alloy and nonferrous alloy production is classified as a hazardous waste. Its disposal is a major environmental concern. According to the Flemish environmental legislation, Cr could not exceed limit values, 1250 mg/Kg for reuse of the materials as or in a construction material. Also, Cr could become a critical resource in Europe and secondary resources can be interesting. The objective of the study is to develop further knowledge with regard to the recovery of chromium from metallurgical slags using innovative hydrometallurgical processes.


      Research team(s)

        Project type(s)

        • Research Project

        CFD modeling of local air quality and ultra fine dust. 01/10/2010 - 31/12/2011


        The overall objective of the project is to set up, evaluate and demonstrate an advanced and comprehensive air quality modelling system and associated web-based service, containing novel elements specifically designed for air pollution policy support in hot spot regions.


        Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Emission, formation and dispersion of ultra fine particles. 01/10/2007 - 30/09/2011


          This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand VITO. UA provides VITO research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


          Research team(s)

          Project type(s)

          • Research Project

          Synthesis and characterisation of neoceramic coatings on silica using aminoorganosilanes as a precursor 30/09/1993 - 29/09/1995


          Chemical modification at low temperature and pressure (chemical surface coating - CSC) is developped for the synthesis of neoceramics on silica, using amino-organosilanes as a precursor


          Research team(s)

            Project type(s)

            • Research Project

            Synthesis and characterisation of neoceramic coatings on silica using aminoorganosilanes as a precursor 30/09/1991 - 29/09/1993


            Chemical modification at low temperature and pressure (chemical surface coating - CSC) is developped for the synthesis of neoceramics on silica, using amino-organosilanes as a precursor


            Research team(s)

              Project type(s)

              • Research Project

              Synthesis and characterisation of neoceramic coatings on silica using aminoorganosilanes as a precursor 30/09/1990 - 29/09/1991


              Chemical modification at low temperature and pressure (chemical surface coating - CSC) is developped for the synthesis of neoceramics on silica, using amino-organosilanes as a precursor


              Research team(s)

                Project type(s)

                • Research Project