The role of politicians' perceptual accuracy of voter opinions in their electoral career
Legislative studies quarterly - ISSN 0362-9805- (2024) p.
Pointing fingers in the disinformation era : how journalists and politicians perceive each other's role in spreading disinformation and its impact on their relationship
Journalism studies - ISSN 1461-670X-25:13 (2024) p. 1614-1633
Lacking incentives, not information : why politicians tend to be less responsive to lower-income citizens
Legislative studies quarterly - ISSN 0362-9805- (2024) p.
Politicians are better at estimating public opinion when they think it is more salient
Party politics - ISSN 1354-0688- (2024) p. 1-13
Revisiting elite perceptions as mediator of elite responsiveness to public opinion
Political studies - ISSN 0032-3217-72:1 (2024) p. 364-379